אשר תצוום את בניכם לשמר לעשות את כל דברי התורה הזאת ...כי לא דבר רק הוא מכם כי הוא חייכם
We are commanded to instruct our children to observe the Torah and perform its mitzvos, because it is our life. Simply, this refers to the Torah which is the source of our life, for without it one does not truly live. He exists in the physical sense, but if the meaning of life eludes him, can he be considered truly alive? Alternatively, “it” refers to our children whom we have instructed in the ways of Hashem and who carry on the legacy of our instruction. In the Talmud Taanis 5B, Chazal state, Mah zaru b’chaim, af hu b’chaim; “Just as…