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אלה פקודי המשכן משכן העדת

These are the reckonings of the Mishkan, the Mishkan of Testimony. (38:21)

Simply, the Mishkan was the abode of the Aron HaKodesh which contained within it the Luchos HaEidus, Tablets of Testimony. Noticeably, the word Mishkan is repeated, alluding to the two Mishkanos. Chazal teach that this refers to the two Batei Mikdash which were taken from us. Mishkan is a resting place. It can also be transformed (changing the vowels) to mashkon, collateral. Thus, the dual Mishkan in our pasuk alludes to the two mashkanos, collaterals (Batei Mikdash), that were taken from us, to be returned only when the collective nation repents and, consequently, is restored to its original glory. We…

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עשה את כל אשר צוה ד' את משה

Did everything as Hashem commanded Moshe. (38:22)

A king commissioned a master craftsman to build a summer mansion. The king gave him the approved architectural drawings and instructed him to build the mansion in accordance with the drawings. The craftsman was a brilliant builder who had ideas of his own which he incorporated into the edifice. When it was completed, he felt that the mansion was far more beautiful than what he would have constructed based upon the architect’s drawings. He was beyond proud of himself. It, therefore, came as a surprise when the king frowned upon seeing and entering the mansion. “What did you do?” asked…

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ויעשו על שולי המעיל רמוני תכלת... ויעשו פעמוני זהב טהור ויתנו את הפעמונים בתוך הרימונים על שולי המעיל סביב בתוך הרימונם פעמון ורימון פעמון ורימון על שולי המעיל סביב

On the robe’s hem, they made pomegranates and of turquoise… They made bells of pure gold, and they placed the bells amidst the pomegranates on the hem of the robe… A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate on the hem of the robe all around. (39:24-26)

Rashi explains that the rimonim were colored wool, shaped as a ball and hollow within. Between each two rimonim hung a gold paamon which served as the sound-maker to inform people that the Kohen Gadol was approaching. Ramban disagrees, contending that rimonim were not present to “hang around” between the paamonim. He feels that the rimonim were hollow for one purpose: so that the paamonim would be placed inside of them. Clearly, the Bigdei Kehunah, Priestly vestments, and indeed all of the klei, vessels, of the Mishkan were there for a lofty purpose, with concealed esoteric secrets to be derived…

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ומשחת אותם כאשר משחת את אביהם

You shall anoint them as you had anointed their father. (40:15)

The present anointment of the Kohanim prepared them to transmit the Kehunah to their children as well. The Kehunah now was to remain in the family eternally. We have studied the previous meshichos, anointments, in which the Mishkan, its vessels, the Mizbayach, Aharon HaKohen, and now his sons were anointed. It never mentioned kaasher moshachta es avihem. Why did Hashem instruct Moshe to anoint Aharon’s sons in a manner similar to the way he anointed Aharon? Why should this anointment be different? The Meshech Chochmah explains that Moshe Rabbeinu was considered to be a Kohen; thus, he had the power…

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ששת ימים תעשה מלאכה וביום השביעי יהיה לכם קדש

On six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you. (35:2)

Of the seven days of the week, Shabbos stands out as kodesh, holy, consecrated for Hashem. Chazal (Bereishis Rabbah 11:8) relates a dialogue that ensued between Shabbos and Hashem: “Shabbos said before Hashem, ‘All of the days of the week have a zug/mate, but I have no mate.’ Hashem replied, ‘Knesses Yisrael will be your mate!’” Simply put, each day of the week is matched with another day (Sunday/ Monday, Tuesday/ Wednesday, Thursday/ Friday), making three matches, leaving Shabbos as the odd day out. Others explain that each day of the week has as its mate the various entities which…

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לא תבערו אש בכל משבתים ביום השבת

You shall not kindle fire in any of your dwellings on the Shabbos day. (35:3)

The Gemorah records a debate among Chazal (Shabbos 70a) about why the Torah singled out the prohibitive mitzvah of creating fire on Shabbos – as opposed to the other 38 acts of labor. One Tanna opines havarah l’lav yatzas, havarah, kindling fire, was singled out to be a mere prohibition – not a capital crime. The other Tanna contends havarah l’chaleik yatzas, it was singled out to separate the melachos, forms of labor, into distinct categories of liability. Each melachah is an act of chillul Shabbos and carries with it its own punishment. If one performs two melachos, he is…

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קחו מאתכם תרומה לד' כל נדיב לבו יביאה את תרומת ד' זהב וכסף ונחושת

Take from yourselves a portion for Hashem; everyone whose heart motivates him shall bring it, as a gift for Hashem: gold, silver, copper. (35:5)

Chazal (Shemos Rabbah 49:2) teach that zahav, gold, kesef, silver; and nechoshes, copper – all allude to the Avos, three Patriarchs. The connotation of the pasuk (based upon Chazal’s interpretation) is that the Shechinah rests His Divine Presence in the Mishkan in the merit of the three Avos. Gold alludes to Avraham, whose faith was put to a test when he was flung into a furnace – a process which is used to refine gold. Silver represents Yitzchak, who was purified when he was bound upon the Altar. Unlike gold, which is heated in a furnace to test its quality,…

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והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה בבקר בבקר

But they continued to bring him free-willed gifts morning after morning. (36:3)

In his Avodas Ha’Gershuni, commentary to Shir HaShirim, the nephew of the Gaon, zl, m’Vilna (son of Horav Avraham, the Gaon’s brother) writes that he heard from his revered uncle a reason why Succos is celebrated during the month of Tishrei (fifteenth), rather than Nissan which coincides with the liberation from Egypt. The Torah (Vayikra 23:43) indicates that the Succos festival was initiated because, “I caused Bnei Yisrael to dwell in succos/huts when I took them out of the land of Egypt.” If so, why is Succos not celebrated in Nissan? The Gaon explains that the underlying reason for Succos…

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זה יתנו כל העבר על הפקודים מחצית השקל ... עשרים גרה השקל

This shall they give – everyone who passes through the ranks of census – a half-shekel of the sacred shekel, the shekel is twenty geras. (30: 13)

The Torah command those twenty-years old and up to give one half-shekel as part of the census.  The Torah counts men to be participants in the census over al ha’pekudim, everyone who passes through the ranks of the counted.  The pasuk implies that two groups exist:  those who are among the counted; and those who are not.  The mass of people about to be counted are, upon giving their half-shekel, now among the ranks of the counted.  This is an amazing transformation which occurs when the individual drops a half-shekel into the pushke box.  The giver is now among the…

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העשיר לא ירבה והדל לא ימעיט ממחצית השקל

The wealthy shall not increase, and the destitute shall not decrease, from half a shekel. (30:15)

The mitzvah of machatzis ha’shekel, half a shekel, as outlined by the Torah ensures equality in contributing to the korbanos tzibur, communal offerings.  However, Horav Elimelech, zl, m’Lishensk sees a deeper meaning in its spiritual symbolism.  It is a message that applies to every Jew – he who is spiritually wealthy and has performed a treasure trove of mitzvos, and his destitute brother, whose spiritual achievements are lacking. The poor, representing those who feel spiritually deficient due to their errant behavior, are reminded not to despair.  Even if they personally feel themselves to be distant from Hashem, He still loves…

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