The Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, Ten Days of Repentance, the first ten days of the New Year, are meant to be the foundation-stone for the coming year. It is the standard upon which our behavior during the year should be based. Hashem is karov, close, to us during this time. Thus, this period should imbue us to develop a personal relationship with the Almighty – throughout the year. There is no room in Yiddishkeit for intermediaries. One should feel a sense of nearness with Hashem. Consequently, no Jew should ever feel alone. This idea is alluded to in the Divine warning conveyed…
The mitzvah of Hakheil, convening of Klal Yisrael at the beginning of the eighth year, immediately following the Shemittah year, is set at this time by design. The timing of this event, when all Jews gathered together to hear the Torah read by the Melech Yisrael, Jewish king, was scheduled to impart the greatest impression. What is unique about this time? Horav Mordechai Rogov, z.l., explains that after Klal Yisrael has experienced a year of Shemittah, a year of unparalleled faith and trust in the Almighty, they are now attuned to hear and accept what the Torah has to say. They…