ויבא משה וידבר את כל דברי השירה הזאת באזני העם הוא והושע בן נון
Moshe Rabbeinu stood with his trusted disciple, Yehoshua, indicating that the transfer of leadership would soon occur. It was important for the people to see Yehoshua up there together with Moshe during Moshe’s lifetime, so that no one would say that he rose to power only after Moshe’s death. Interestingly, here the Torah refers to Yehoshua by his original name, Hoshea. Moshe had changed his student’s name prior to leaving for Eretz Yisrael with the meraglim, spies. The added letter was to protect him from the spies’ false counsel. Kli Yakar explains that since that whole generation was now gone, he…