Leah gave birth to her fourth son, an event that evoked a tremendous sense of gratitude within her. She understood that Hashem was giving her more than her share. As Rashi explains, Leah saw b’Ruach HaKodesh, with Divine Inspiration, that Yaakov Avinu would father twelve sons. Since he had four wives, she conjectured that each would be blessed with three sons. Upon giving birth to her fourth son, she was overjoyed with the realization that she had received more than her share. In the Talmud Berachos 7b, Chazal declare that, “From the time of Creation, there was no one who praised…
What relationship exists between the fact that Hashem saw that Leah was not loved and Rachel’s infertility? The Alter, z.l., m’Kelm explains that it was specifically Leah’s feeling of being hated that catalyzed Rachel’s barrenness. Leah did so much – she should not have had to feel that her entrance into the Patriarchal home was under question. Rachel should have done everything within her power to assuage her feelings of guilt. This is enigmatic. We are referring here to Rachel Imeinu who relinquished her right to marry Yaakov first, just so that her sister would not be humiliated. She suffered in…
Chazal teach us that Yaakov Avinu was taken to task for offering to remain in Lavan’s employ and not seeking to return home to his parents. He ended up being away from home for a total of thirty-six years, of which he spent fourteen studying Torah in the Yeshivah of Ever. For the duration of time he spent studying Torah, he was not criticized for failing to honor his parents. For the next twenty years that he spent in the house of Lavan and two years traveling, Chazal feel that Yaakov was derelict in regard to fulfilling the mitzvah of…