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And because of their test of Hashem, saying: “Is Hashem among us or not?” Amalek came and battled Yisrael in Rephidim. (17:7,8)

Klal Yisrael challenged Hashem to the point that a place is named for their contentious behavior.  The name implies for all time that Hashem is always with us. Further, the name suggests that we should use prayer for expressing our needs,  not  complaint and challenge.  Rashi explains the juxtaposition of the place that Klal Yisrael questioned Hashem’s presence among them upon the location of the battle with Amalek.  When they asked, “Is Hashem among us?”, Hashem sent Amalek as an indication that He was there watching every move, listening to every complaint, responding to every ingratitude.  The Midrash analogizes this…

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This is the thing that Hashem has commanded, a full omer of it shall be a safekeeping for your generations, so that they will see the food that I fed you in the wilderness. (16:32)

Bnei Yisrael were privy to an unprecedented array of miracles, ranging from the Ten Plagues to the many miracles that occurred during the Exodus, to the splitting of the Red Sea.  The Jews clearly saw that Hashem was with them during times of crisis.  However, was this the most crucial lesson?  Or is there another miracle, which, although less profound in nature, has a more significant message?  Horav S.R. Hirsch, zl, observes that Bnei Yisrael were acutely aware that Hashem was close to them during the critical stages of their development.  What about their recognition of Hashem’s role in their…

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And the people revered Hashem, and they believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant. (14:31)

A Jew should strive to attain such a sublime level of emunah in Hashem that he truly believes with a clarity of vision.  Let us explain.  People accept the notion that “seeing is believing.”  This means that in order to really believe, one must actually see the phenomenon.  Hence, belief in a given concept is a step lower than actually seeing it.  This is not the Torah perspective.  The Chidushei Ha’Rim asserts that as Bnei Yisrael stood at the shores of the Red Sea and experienced unprecedented miracles, they were privy to a revelation of Hashem which was unparalleled.  The…

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Hashem said to Moshe: “why do you cry out to Me? Speak unto Bnei Yisrael that they go forward.” (14:15)

Rashi explains Hashem’s response to Moshe as he stood in supplication before Him.  Hashem told Moshe, “Now, when Bnei Yisrael are in distress is not the appropriate time to prolong prayer.  Let them go forward.  The merit of their forefathers and their own emunah, faith, which they have exhibited, are sufficient reason for the Sea to split before them.”  This interpretation is enigmatic.  Moshe was praying to Hashem during a time of severe crisis.  Hashem told Moshe that now, when Bnei Yisrael were teetering on the brink of disaster, was not a time for prayer.  There is no  more propitious…

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The Bnei Yisrael went on dry land in the midst of the sea.

The Mechilta describes the scenario and the dialogue that took place among the tribes prior to the splitting of the Sea.  Bnei Yisrael were standing by the shores of the Red Sea; the Egyptian army was literally breathing down their necks.  Suddenly, they began to argue about who should go into the water first.  Each tribe vied for the opportunity to enter the Red Sea first.  During the negotiations, Nachshon ben Aminadav of the tribe of Yehudah jumped into the threatening waters.  The tribe of Yehudah was indeed lauded for this singular act of devotion, as it is stated in…

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Hashem said to Moshe: “Stretch out your hand over the sea, and the water will go back upon Egypt.” (14:26)

Bnei Yisrael were saved from certain death when the waters of the Red Sea miraculously split before them.  Hashem’s Divine decree altered the course of nature for His People.  What happened afterwards when the people had passed safely through?  The waters should have reverted to their original state.  That is what should have happened.  The Torah, however, records that Hashem commanded Moshe to “stretch out your hand over the sea, and the waters will go back upon Egypt.”  Why did they not simply fall back to their original position?  Once the purpose of the miracle had been fulfilled and its…

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