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ונפש כי תקריב קרבן מנחה לד'

When a person offers a Meal-offering to Hashem. (2:1)

The Torah uses an unusual term to describe the person who brings a Korban Minchah, Meal-offering, to the Mizbayach. He is a nefesh, a soul. Chazal explain that the Torah is teaching us an important lesson. Usually, the individual who brings a Korban Minchah is poor. Otherwise, he would have brought something more expensive, like a sheep or even an ox. The poor man has very little, and he offers a paltry gift from his pitiful possessions. Hashem understands what is transpiring in the poor man’s mind. He has so very little, what can he really give for Hashem? A…

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וקרבו וכרעיו ירחץ במים והקטיר הכהן את הכל המזבחה עלה אשה ריח ניחוח לד'

He shall wash its innards and its feet with water; and the Kohen shall cause it all to go up in smoke on the Altar – an elevation-offering, a fire-offering, a satisfying aroma to Hashem. (1:9)

In the Talmud Menachos 110a, Chazal state the following: “We find that the Torah says regarding a bulky ox brought as an offering, that it is ishei reiach nichoach, ‘A fire-offering, a satisfying aroma’; and in regard to a Minchah, it likewise says, ‘A fire-offering, a satisfying aroma.’” The same expression is used each time to teach you that, Echad ha’marbeh, v’echad ha’mamit, u’bilvad sheyichavein es libo l’Aviv she’ba Shomayim, “Whether one gives a lot, or one gives a little, his offering is equally pleasing to G-d, provided he directs his heart towards his Father in Heaven.” Horav Gamliel Rabinowitz,…

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זכר תמים יקריבנו אל פתח אהל מועד יקריב אותו לרצונו

He shall offer an unblemished male; he shall bring it to the entrance of the Ohel Moed, voluntarily. (1:3)

The Midrash relates the story of a recaltricant ox whose owner wanted to bring it as a korban. The ox, however, refused the honor. No matter how many people the owner sent to move the ox, they were unsuccessful. The ox was not budging. A poor man came along and noticed the owner’s predicament. He walked over to the ox and produced a single blade of grass from his pocket. He waved the blade of grass in front of the ox’s nose, causing the ox to give a mighty sneeze. As the ox sneezed, it coughed up a needle that…

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אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן לד'

When a man among you brings an offering to Hashem. (1:2)

In the Talmud Chullin 60a, Chazal teach that the bull offered by Adam HaRishon as a korban, sacrifice, was quite unique. Its horns appeared before its hooves. They derive this from the pasuk in Tehillim 69:32, V’sitav l’Hashem mishor par makrin mafris, “It shall be more pleasing than a yearling bull with horns, with hooves.” Apparently, the primordial bull, first shor to be created, was fashioned fully grown from the earth, with it rising from the earth the way it stands. Thus, its horns materialized prior to its hooves. Indeed, as the Talmud continues, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said, “All…

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ויקרא אל משה וידבר ד' אליו מאהל מועד

He called to Moshe. (1:1)

The Baal HaTurim notes that, in this verse, the summons to Moshe, Vayikra is spelled with a diminutive aleph. From afar, it appears as vayikar, not Vayikra. In his great humility, Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to describe the way in which Hashem appeared to him in much the same manner as He appeared to Bilaam. G-d’s prophecy to Bilaam is introduced as vayikar, without the aleph. This word connotes chance and spiritual contamination. Hashem, however, instructed Moshe not to ignore the aleph. Our quintessential leader had great difficulty accepting this. He acquiesced, of course, and wrote the aleph – but in…

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