Rashi explains that Hashem told Moshe “according to your understanding, I do not command you.” Since all the people came and requested to send out spies… Moshe took counsel with Hashem; He said, “I have told them it is good, therefore, as they live, I shall give them the opportunity to err through the words of the spies.” It is very difficult to understand why Hashem would allow the spies to go forth, knowing the impending disaster that awaited them upon their return. If their mission was doomed, why weren’t they restrained from going? There is a lesson for educators…
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Rashi explains that Hashem gave her this honor because of the one hour which she waited for Moshe when he was cast into the river. Her waiting for Moshe was simply to find out what was going to happen to him. Does this act deserve such a significant reward? There is a deeply religious thought stated by Rabbi Yecheskel Abramsky Zt”l regarding the concept of “waiting” which will clarify this question. It is stated that when man will face his ultimate judgement before Hashem, he will be asked “Did you wait for salvation?”. The implication of this question is,…
The Talmud in Shabbos (31b) discusses the melacha (labor) of demolishing. Usually, any form of destruction is not categorized as prohibited labor on Shabbos. However, when this destruction is performed in order to correct or prepare for another labor then it is prohibited. Demolishing for the purpose of construction is therefore prohibited on Shabbos. The Talmud contends that demolishing in order to rebuild on the same site is destroying and therefore prohibited, while demolishing in order to rebuild elsewhere is not considered destroying. The Talmud questions this, since all forms of labor are derived from the various forms of labor…
As stated in the posuk, this is the way it has remained throughout our history, a cloud hovering during the day, and a firelike apparition by night. When man is at the pinnacle of success, and the rays of the sun shine upon him with bright light, he must be aware that he is not immune forever. Life is a big circle which goes around bringing with it moments of great joy as well as moments of sadness and distress. Shlomo Hamelech says in Koheles (7:14) “On a day of goodness be good and on a bad day reflect”. The…
Rashi explains the “v” in “veujr” has a dot upon it (which makes it to be considered nonexistent) to teach that it does not only mean very far off, but also if he were outside the threshold of the courtyard during the time of the slaughtering. Rashi is stating that distance is not only measured in terms of geographics, but in terms of spirit. The Yerushalmi in Pesachim (9b) emphasizes this concept by stating, “the man is distant, not the journey.” Since the dot acts as a line drawn through the letter “v”, the word is thus read…
The Alter of Kelm Zt”l explains the Torah’s repeated recounting of the offerings of the Neseiim. Since the offerings were all the same, the Torah wishes to express the individuality of the donor, despite the fact that he was a member of a group. It is generally assumed that when a number of Jews performs a mitzvah the group is viewed as one individual, and in accordance with this, there is no discernment of the individual’s contribution to the success of this endeavor. This parsha teaches us that this is not true. Hashem does not view the group as…
This degree of holiness attained by the nazir requires explanation. Should one be so exalted for abstaining from wine for thirty days? There are many individuals who abstain from wine and let their hair grow, and yet virtually remain on the same level of immorality and depravity as before. Rabbi Leib Chasman Zt”l explains that the principle virtue of the nazir lies in the thought and reflection which preceded his decision to become a nazir. His resolution to become a nazir comes as a result of a profound understanding of life, leading to a conclusion which enlightens him and changes…
The Talmud in Berachos (31b) quotes in the name of Rabbi Yishmael that if this woman was previously childless, she would now have a child. Rabbi Akiva disagrees and says that if she had difficult births she would now bear children with ease. In any event, the blameless sotah merited various blessings. Why is this? Should a woman who was so close to promiscuity that her husband had warned her not to be secluded with an individual man, be so rewarded? Although she did not reach the epitome of sin, she nevertheless does not represent one who rightfully deserves blessing!…
Many commentators discuss the superfluous words “also them”. We learn from this that in order to achieve one’s true potential in life, a person should not underestimate his own abilities and become discouraged. Very often, people do not “rise to the occasion” due to a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Unfortunately, this often applies to the observance of mitzvos and Torah study; one might say, since I will not be a great scholar, why go through the effort if the goal is unattainable. Similarly, many who are approached to contribute to a worthy cause reply that their donation is…
Rabbi Ahron Kotler Zt”l expounds upon the importance of being orderly and organized in every facet of one’s daily endeavor. This is noted from the Torah’s detailed description of Am Yisroel’s every movement, their setting up of camp, and the arrangement in perfect order and sequence of every tribe according to its specific flag. This also applies to the laws detailing the service in the Mishkan and the order and sequence of carrying the Holy vessels during their travels in the desert. He explains that as a result of a lack of organization and order, the greatest holy endeavors can…