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“Take the sum of the sons of Gershon, also them.” (4:22)

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Many commentators discuss the superfluous words “also them”. We learn from this that in order to achieve one’s true potential in life, a person should not underestimate his own abilities and become discouraged. Very often, people do not “rise to the occasion” due to a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Unfortunately, this often applies to the observance of mitzvos and Torah study; one might say, since I will not be a great scholar, why go through the effort if the goal is unattainable. Similarly, many who are approached to contribute to a worthy cause reply that their donation is unnecessary since it is not a substantial sum. The Torah teaches us that we are judged according to our efforts, and not by the attainment of our goals. Moshe and Aharon were considered equal despite Moshe’s apparent superiority, because they both tried, to the best of their abilities, to fulfill the will of Hashem. This concept is illustrated by the description of the jobs of the Bnei Kehas and the Bnei Gershon. The Bnei Kehas carried the Aron and the other holy vessels, while the Bnei Gershon only carried curtains. However, they were equally important and prominent in the eyes of Hashem, because each preformed his task with the same vibrance and enthusiasm as the other, both using their abilities to their utmost.                       

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