The word ogpv, “now,” does not seem to fit into the text. Rashi cites Chazal who reveal a message underlying Yaakov’s words. Yaakov told Yosef, “Now that you are alive, I will die only once.” There are two types of death. First, there is the physical death which confronts every being of flesh and blood. Second, there is another, more definitive form of death — spiritual death. Such spiritual extinction is characterized by the lack of eternity in the individual. Yaakov proclaimed, “I see that you and your children have continued to maintain and forge future links in the legacy…
Rashi explains that Yaakov did not have Yehudah precede the rest of the family merely for a practical purpose. He sent Yehudah to Goshen to establish a Bais Ha’midrash from which Torah would emanate. Despite Yaakov Avinu’s original uncertainty, he was finally satisfied that Yosef was alive and well. The decision to leave his home and take his entire family to a country characterized by corruption and immorality was not an easy one. Nonetheless, Yaakov prepared for this sojourn in Egypt in a unique way. Indeed, his preparations should serve as prototype for us, wherever we may be, regardless of…
Chazal note the word hrtum, neck(s), is written in the plural. Did Binyamin have two necks? They explain that when Yosef and Binyamin met, the Ruach Ha’kodesh, Divine Inspiration, rested on both of them. This enabled Yosef to see the future destruction of the two Batei Mikdash in Binyamin’s portion. At the same time, Binyamin saw the destruction of the Mishkan in Shiloh, which was in Yosef’s portion. Chazal’s basis for scrutinizing the pasuk seems questionable. The Torah also uses the plural for neck uhrtum in regard to Yosef. There was only one destruction in Yosef’s portion. Why does the…
Rashi says that the fear experienced by the brothers was precipitated by the intense shame that they felt. The Yalkut Shimoni cites R’ Shimon ben Elazar who says, “Woe is to us from the Yom Ha’Din, Day of Judgment. Woe is to us from the Yom Ha’Tochachah, Day of Rebuke. Yosef was the youngest of the tribes. Yet, the brothers could not face up to his rebuke. How much more so when Hashem will come and rebuke each and every one according to his deeds.” This Chazal has long been applied in many instances as the standard for Tochachah, rebuke,…