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“And Moshe said Aharon, what did these people do to you that you have brought upon it great sin?” (32:21)

The extent of Aharon’s involvement in the sin of the Golden Calf is ambiguous. Moshe seems to blame him for “causing” the calf to be created. Indeed, before his own death, Moshe recounts how he prayed on Aharon’s behalf to effect forgiveness for him.  Moshe’s prayers were only partially answered; Aharon lost two of his four sons. On the other hand, in contrast, we note that Aharon was appointed to the venerable position of Kohen Gadol. He was privileged to enter into the Kodshei Ha’Kodoshim, Holy of Holies in order to attain penance for Klal Yisrael. This notion seems to…

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“Go down, for your people have dealt corruptly… they have made them a molten calf… and he cast out of his hand the tablets and he broke them.” (32:7,15,19)

The shattering of the luchos is probably the most impressive act performed by Moshe during his tenure as the leader of Klal Yisrael. The last pasuk in the Torah, in which Hashem portrays the climax of Moshe’s life mentions the vezjv sh, mighty hand, and the kusd trun, the great awe which Moshe wrought in the sight of all Bnei Yisrael. Chazal state that Moshe’s act of might and awe was his shattering of the luchos.  It would seem that this is Moshe’s greatest epitaph. There remains a question, however, which demands a response . Why did Moshe wait to…

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“And all the people broke off the golden rings which were in their ears.” (32:3)

Did “all the people” break off their earrings? Weren’t the sinners only a small group of malcontents? Indeed, the Midrash in Koheles expounds on the pasuk, “One man from a thousand I have found” (Koheles 7:28). The Midrash states that this is a reference to the sinners involved in the Golden Calf.  Only one out of every thousand of Bnei Yisrael was really involved in the sin! Why does the Torah exaggerate the number of sinners? Horav Mordechai Ilan z.l. explains that the entire Klal Yisrael suffered a “yeridah,” spiritual decline. Had they remained on the pinnacle of faith and…

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“And Bnei Yisrael shall keep the Shabbos, to make the Shabbos for their generations an eternal covenant.” (31:16)

Horav Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor z.l. explains the repetition of the word “Shabbos” in the following manner. How does one ensure that shimiras Shabbos, Shabbos observance, will be an everlasting covenant between Bnei Yisrael and Hashem? The pasuk responds: One must see to it that his children and generations after him will also observe it. It is not sufficient for one to simply concern himself with his own spiritual needs while neglecting his children’s simultaneous spiritual development. If this is the case, he can be certain that mitzvah observance will cease with him! One’s focus in religious observance should be “to…

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“See, I have called in the name of Betzalel the son of Uri the son of Chur of the tribe of Yehudah.” (31:2)

The Daas Zekeinim explains the reason that the Torah emphasizes Betazlel’s grandfather, Chur, while it does not trace Ahaliav’s lineage to his grandfather.  Chur was killed as a consequence of his role in the Golden Calf.  The Mishkan served as a source of atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf.  Therefore, the Torah determined that Betzalel, the unique individual designated as the prime builder of the Mishkan, should have his yichus, ancestry, delineated. His ancestry is traced to the individual whose martyred death is atoned by the Mishkan. This exposition is enigmatic. What relationship is there between Chur’s death…

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