ואמרו אל יושב הארץ הזאת שמעו כי אתה ד' בקרב העם הזה. ועננך עמד עליהם ובעמוד ענן אתה הלך לפניהם יומם ובעמוד אש לילה
The above pasuk underscores Hashem’s overwhelming love for the Jewish People, as perceived by the gentile nations. While it is unquestionably true, their perception of His love is interestingly based on a vision of chesed, kindness, which, albeit impressive, requires elucidation. “You, Hashem, are in the midst of this people”: The nations are impacted by Hashem’s close relationship with us. How do they see this closeness? What unique manifestation of love impacts them most? “That Your cloud stands over them, and that in a pillar of cloud You go before them”: The Ananei HaKavod, Clouds of Glory, protected the Jews…