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“And there went out the son of an Israelite woman who was the son of an Egyptian… and the son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name.” (24:10-11)

The Sforno says that the reason for mentioning this individual’s paternal ancestry is to emphasize the reason for his impudence and audacity. An Israelite would never be so unrestrained as to “curse the Name”. We may note from the Sforno’s thesis that the character traits of parents are inherited by their offspring. It was only because of his specific non-Jewish lineage that there was ingrained in him this outrageous audacity which he displayed. It is no wonder that Chazal have insisted that when choosing a mate a person should be especially aware of and sensitive to his or her character…

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“And I shall be sanctified in the midst of the Children of Israel. (22:32)

It may be noted that this mitzvah is given in the reflexive voice in contrast to other mitzvos which are given in the active voice. Hashem does not demand that man sanctify His Name, but rather that Hashem’s Name be sanctified. Perhaps it is because of this that even minors are included in the mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem. This may be derived from the Rambam who begins the fifth chapter of Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah by ruling: “All the House of Israel is enjoined in sanctifying Hashem’s great Name”. The Rambam’s wording is an allusion to include even minors in the…

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“And the daughter of a Kohain who profanes herself, she profanes her father, she shall be burnt by fire.” (21:9)

The punishment of death by fire which is meted out to a Kohain’s daughter who profanes herself is doubly more stringent than that which is prescribed for a Yisroel‘s daughter who is executed by choking. The Alter of Kelm Z”tl notes that the posuk itself gives the reason for this. “she desecrates her father’s name.” Kohanim, because of their exposure to holiness and sanctity are extremely vigilant in caring for themselves and their families, are wary of situations where they might become contaminated. The Kohain will make every effort to provide his children with a superior education replete with sanctity…

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“Except for his kin who is close to him.” (21:2)

  Rashi comments: “His kin is only his wife.” It may be noted that the Torah places one’s wife before one’s parents. The reason for this is that a man’s relationship with his wife is a bond which is closer and stronger than that of any other relative. This is clearly expressed by the Torah in Parashas Bereishis (2:24) “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they shall be one flesh”. A man’s wife is an integral part of himself (upudf u,at). We suggest the following reason for this unique relationship. A…

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“And Hashem said to Moshe, say unto the Kohanim, the sons of Aharon.” (21:1)

In most circumstances when the Torah states  mitzvos or laws it use the word “And He spoke” which is considered a stronger and harsher terminology than “and He said” which is used here. What is the significance of this? The Kohanim who are charged with teaching the Torah and its laws to Am Yisroel represent the teachers and mentors of Am  Yisroel. As it is their possession of greater holiness which mandates this charge, they must accept upon themselves greater stringencies than the rest of Am  Yisroel. These laws must be accepted with joy and complete subordination of one’s will,…

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