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“Except for his kin who is close to him.” (21:2)

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  Rashi comments: “His kin is only his wife.”

It may be noted that the Torah places one’s wife before one’s parents. The reason for this is that a man’s relationship with his wife is a bond which is closer and stronger than that of any other relative. This is clearly expressed by the Torah in Parashas Bereishis (2:24) “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they shall be one flesh”. A man’s wife is an integral part of himself (upudf u,at). We suggest the following reason for this unique relationship. A person’s relatives, including his parents, are related to him because of the past, by descending from a common ancestor. However, husband and wife, are bonded in the future through the children they will bring into the world. The future is of greater importance, since the past cannot be changed, while what will transpire can still be molded and developed. Although it is necessary to build and prepare for tomorrow on the experiences of the past, this future brings with it hope, reassurance, and optimism. A relationship based on the hope for tomorrow is stronger and closer than one which is based on the yesteryear.

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