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רופא חולי עמו ישראל

Rofei cholei amo Yisrael. Who heals the sick of His nation, Yisrael.

The Yearos Devash teaches that, upon reciting the brachah, blessing, of healing, we are to also have in mind the Torah sages whose strength has been sapped due to their total dedication to Torah study. Prior to the cheit ha’eigel, sin of the Golden Calf, Torah students were muscular and powerful, but, following the sin, their strength waned. This (explains the Yearos Devash) is the reason that Moshe Rabbeinu’s arms became weary, to the point that he was no longer able to carry the Luchos, Tablets. Torah is our life-source, and our Torah sages are the conduit by which it…

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ולא יחבששו

And they were not ashamed. (2:25)

Prior to eating of the Eitz HaDaas, Tree of Knowledge, Adam and Chavah had no idea concerning the significance of tznius, moral modesty/privacy. Thus, they were not embarrassed by their lack of clothing, since, as Rashi explains, the concept of tznius allows a person to distinguish between good and bad. In other words, tznius is the barometer and medium by which one determines whether his actions are good or bad. By maintaining a tznius demeanor in thought, action and dress, one diminishes the opportunity for, and possibility of, improper temptation that can lead to sinful behavior. Guarding against a breakdown…

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בראשית ברא אלקים

In the beginning of G-d’s creating. (1:1)

Elokim is the Name of Hashem which denotes the attribute of Middas Ha’Din, Strict Justice. Rashi quotes the Midrash that posits that: Bitchilah, at first, alah b’machshavto, it entered “His mind” to create the world with Din, Justice; Ra’ah, He saw, that ein ha’olam miskayeim, the world under strict judgment cannot survive; He added Rachamim, the Attribute of Mercy, to temper the Din. Justice is the ideal state of the world, with man being treated as he deserves. If he acts inappropriately – he is punished. If he is virtuous – he receives reward. It is tit-for-tat, according to one’s…

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וישלחהו ד' אלקים מגן עדן לעבד את האדמה אשר לקח משם

So Hashem G-d banished him from Gan Eden to work the soil from which he was taken. (3:23)

The sin of Adam HaRishon had immediate and long-lasting repercussions. It was now impossible for Hashem to allow him to remain a guest in Gan Eden. Eating from the fruit of the Eitz HaDaas had changed him from a creation whose entire focus was spirituality – who had no inclination for anything but good – to a man who could now discriminate between good and bad. He was on a higher spiritual plane than animals, but was no longer on a level on par with angels. Man had now become unique among the terrestrial creatures, just as Hashem is unique among…

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