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רופא חולי עמו ישראל

Rofei cholei amo Yisrael. Who heals the sick of His nation, Yisrael.

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The Yearos Devash teaches that, upon reciting the brachah, blessing, of healing, we are to also have in mind the Torah sages whose strength has been sapped due to their total dedication to Torah study. Prior to the cheit ha’eigel, sin of the Golden Calf, Torah students were muscular and powerful, but, following the sin, their strength waned. This (explains the Yearos Devash) is the reason that Moshe Rabbeinu’s arms became weary, to the point that he was no longer able to carry the Luchos, Tablets.

Torah is our life-source, and our Torah sages are the conduit by which it is maintained. As the champions of the true tradition transmitted to us via Torah She’Baal Peh, the Oral Law, we are deeply indebted to them. Without them, our very existence is threatened. Furthermore, when we collectively pray for the continued health of our Torah sages, we elevate the banner of Torah scholarship. The end result is that people want to study Torah diligently, so that they, too, become scholars.

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