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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“He must dwell in solitude, his dwelling shall be outside of the camp.” (13:46)

One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…

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“On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” (12:3)

The mitzvah of Milah, circumcision, leaves an indelible mark on a Jew, one that is with him throughout his life. It is a mitzvah which connects generations, since one’s father is obligated to make sure that his son is circumcised. It is a rite of passage for a Jew, a mitzvah for which Jews throughout the millennia have died. Many stories demonstrate the Jew’s commitment to this special mitzvah. The following is a very poignant story, which demonstrates not only Jewish resolve, but Jewish commitment under the most trying circumstances. Horav Arye Levin, z.l., was accustomed to go to shul…

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“On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” (12:3)

The mitzvah of Milah, circumcision, leaves an indelible mark on a Jew, one that is with him throughout his life. It is a mitzvah which connects generations, since one’s father is obligated to make sure that his son is circumcised. It is a rite of passage for a Jew, a mitzvah for which Jews throughout the millennia have died. Many stories demonstrate the Jew’s commitment to this special mitzvah. The following is a very poignant story, which demonstrates not only Jewish resolve, but Jewish commitment under the most trying circumstances. Horav Arye Levin, z.l., was accustomed to go to shul…

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“On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” (12:3)

The mitzvah of Milah, circumcision, leaves an indelible mark on a Jew, one that is with him throughout his life. It is a mitzvah which connects generations, since one’s father is obligated to make sure that his son is circumcised. It is a rite of passage for a Jew, a mitzvah for which Jews throughout the millennia have died. Many stories demonstrate the Jew’s commitment to this special mitzvah. The following is a very poignant story, which demonstrates not only Jewish resolve, but Jewish commitment under the most trying circumstances. Horav Arye Levin, z.l., was accustomed to go to shul…

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“On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” (12:3)

The mitzvah of Milah, circumcision, leaves an indelible mark on a Jew, one that is with him throughout his life. It is a mitzvah which connects generations, since one’s father is obligated to make sure that his son is circumcised. It is a rite of passage for a Jew, a mitzvah for which Jews throughout the millennia have died. Many stories demonstrate the Jew’s commitment to this special mitzvah. The following is a very poignant story, which demonstrates not only Jewish resolve, but Jewish commitment under the most trying circumstances. Horav Arye Levin, z.l., was accustomed to go to shul…

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