In the various forms of tzaraas mentioned previously in the parsha, the Torah has either written tamei hu, he is ritually impure, or v’timo ha’Kohen, the Kohen shall declare him tamei. Regarding nigei ha’rosh, the plague that sets itself upon one’s head, the Torah emphasizes ish tzarua hu, he is a person with tzaraas, and then reiterates the status of impurity with the words, “The Kohen shall declare him contaminated.” Why such emphasis upon tzaraas ha’rosh? The Netziv, z.l., explains that unlike the other forms of tzaraas, which are a punishment for lashon hara, evil speech, tzaraas ha’rosh is visited upon…
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The laws of tzaraas, a spiritual malady which manifests itself in a physical illness which mimics leprosy, is the result of “speech problems.” People who do not use their God-given tongues appropriately, such that they disparage and slander, are visited with tzaraas. Volumes have been written addressing the sin of lashon hara, evil speech. What about lashon tov, good speech, positive speech, words that heal and soothe? The power of speech is a special gift that we must learn to appreciate. A good word can lift a spirit and save a life. How often do we regret not saying the right…
In the Pleasant Way, a collection of some of the shmuessen, ethical discourses, of Horav Avraham Pam, z.l., a meaningful shmuess focuses on the root of lashon hara, evil speech. In his inimitable manner, Rav Pam lovingly explains and guides us concerning how to distance ourselves from the harmful effects of this dreadful sin. He explains the juxtaposition of Parashas Tazria, which discusses the laws of tzaraas, to Parashas Shemini, which addresses the laws of Kashrus. Just as we should be meticulous in what we ingest, we should likewise take great care in what emerges from our mouths. The consumption of…
One day the Sefas Emes asked one of his close chassidim to take his two young sons, (Rav) Avraham Mordechai and (Rav) Moshe Betzalel, to a certain Jew in Warsaw for a brachah, blessing. The person left the next day in search of this Jew whom he assumed must certainly be a famous tzaddik, righteous man. He arrived in Warsaw and, after some inquiry, he discovered that the individual he sought was actually a simple, common Jew. The man, indeed, had no idea why the famous Rebbe of Gur would send his two sons to him for a blessing. Yet, at…