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“And if she bears a female, she shall be in an impure condition for two weeks.” (12:6)

In the case of the birth of a female the days of tumah, impurity, and tohar, cleanliness, are doubled. While the entire period of y’mei tumah v’taharah after a male birth consists of forty days, a female birth requires eighty days. Horav S.R. Hirsch, zl, suggests that the “double” period of time required for a female birth indicates a dual cycle – one for the mother and one for her female child. This extra cycle of tumah v’taharah accomplishes for the female child what the Bris Milah does for a male. The striking characteristic of a Jewish woman, the emblem…

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“When a woman conceives and gives birth to a male.” (12:2)

The Midrash begins its commentary on this parsha by presenting various perspectives on the human condition. Chazal interpret the pasuk in Tehillim 139, hb,rm oseu rujt, “Back and front You have fashioned me,” as being a reference to human life. Rish Lakish says, “back” refers to the last day of creation, while “front” refers to the beginning of creation. If a person is worthy and leads a virtuous life, he is told, “You came before the entire work of creation. If, however, he is not worthy as a result of sin, they tell him, “Even a gnat preceded you; even…

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