We do not realize the power of the words that exit our mouths. Indeed, it is possible that a simple, innocuous comment made needlessly can have a far-reaching effect, as demonstrated by the following story: The Chafetz Chaim and another rav once set out on a three-day journey on a dvar mitzvah, a matter of religious significance. They stopped at an inn, whose impeccable kashrus standards were well-known, to have dinner. After the meal, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked them if they were pleased with their dinner. The Chafetz Chaim immediately responded in the affirmative. His…
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We do not realize the power of the words that exit our mouths. Indeed, it is possible that a simple, innocuous comment made needlessly can have a far-reaching effect, as demonstrated by the following story: The Chafetz Chaim and another rav once set out on a three-day journey on a dvar mitzvah, a matter of religious significance. They stopped at an inn, whose impeccable kashrus standards were well-known, to have dinner. After the meal, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked them if they were pleased with their dinner. The Chafetz Chaim immediately responded in the affirmative. His…
We do not realize the power of the words that exit our mouths. Indeed, it is possible that a simple, innocuous comment made needlessly can have a far-reaching effect, as demonstrated by the following story: The Chafetz Chaim and another rav once set out on a three-day journey on a dvar mitzvah, a matter of religious significance. They stopped at an inn, whose impeccable kashrus standards were well-known, to have dinner. After the meal, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked them if they were pleased with their dinner. The Chafetz Chaim immediately responded in the affirmative. His…
We do not realize the power of the words that exit our mouths. Indeed, it is possible that a simple, innocuous comment made needlessly can have a far-reaching effect, as demonstrated by the following story: The Chafetz Chaim and another rav once set out on a three-day journey on a dvar mitzvah, a matter of religious significance. They stopped at an inn, whose impeccable kashrus standards were well-known, to have dinner. After the meal, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked them if they were pleased with their dinner. The Chafetz Chaim immediately responded in the affirmative. His…
We do not realize the power of the words that exit our mouths. Indeed, it is possible that a simple, innocuous comment made needlessly can have a far-reaching effect, as demonstrated by the following story: The Chafetz Chaim and another rav once set out on a three-day journey on a dvar mitzvah, a matter of religious significance. They stopped at an inn, whose impeccable kashrus standards were well-known, to have dinner. After the meal, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked them if they were pleased with their dinner. The Chafetz Chaim immediately responded in the affirmative. His…
One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…
One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…
One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…
One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…
One would think that enough has been said and written about lashon hara, slanderous speech. Everyone knows what it is, the seriousness of this sin and the tragic effect it has on those involved. Yet, this does not seem to prevent the baal lashon hara, slanderer, from plying his trade. Is there anything left to be said that might have an effect on the baal lashon hara? There might be. As punishment for the baal lashon hara’s evil words, he is sent away from the community to live in solitude until that day that his tzaraas, spiritually inflicted leprosy, is…