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“And Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aharon saying: Speak to the Bnei Yisrael and say to them, any man who will have a discharge from his flesh … is contaminated.” (15:1,2)

In this pasuk, the Torah uses the word urcs in the plural form. In contrast, the Baal Ha’Turim notes that regarding the laws of negaim, plagues, the Torah does not use the word, urcs in the plural form. The distinction implies that Aharon was excluded from transmitting the laws of negaim to Bnei Yisrael.  He asserts that Aharon’s involvement in the sin of the Golden Calf precluded his ability to teach the laws of negaim since the Golden Calf was the precursor of the negaim which were to strike Bnei Yisrael as punishment for their treasonous worship. This explanation is…

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“The one to whom the house belongs shall come and declare to the kohen, saying, ‘Something like an affliction has appeared to me in the house.'” (14:35)

It is interesting to note that when the Torah refers to someone who has an affliction on his body, it says, ivfv kt tcuvu, “He shall be brought to the kohen (14:2). In contrast, in regard to a plague afflicting a house it says here “He shall come to the kohen.”  What reason is there for this disparity between the two plagues ?  Horav Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, makes a noteworthy observation. The plagues which strike one’s body, clothes, or home are an indication from Above that something is wrong with this person. The affliction progresses from the individual to his…

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“And he shall take one bird… and he shall send away the living bird.” (14:5,7)

This is one of two instances in the Torah in which two animals are selected: Both times, one serves as a korban, while the other is sent away to the desert. The first selection, which occurs on Yom Kippur, is carried out through the use of lots. The goat whose lot is marked L’Hashem is used as a korban, while the goat whose lot is marked L’Azazel is sent into the desolate desert to die. Why is there no lottery used in this case to select which bird will live and which bird will die as a korban ? It…

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“And there shall be taken for the person being purified two birds.” (14:4)

Horav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, observes that there are two types of baalei lashon hara, slanderers. There are those who are blatant, who disparage without shame. Their lack of sensitivity for others is overshadowed only by their own personal lack of self-respect. There is yet another type of baal lashon hara: one who attempts to veil his invidious activities, because he is embarrassed by his reprehensible maligning of others. He seeks to hurt; he has no qualms whatsoever about character assassination, but he doesn’t want to have his own name revealed as the cause of this embarrassment. The Torah addresses itself…

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“The Kohen shall command, and there shall be taken for the person being purified two birds … and cedarwood, crimson thread and hyssop.” (14:4)

Atonement for sin requires that the moral flaw which activated the misdeed be purged. One who speaks disparagingly of others is arrogant. A person who puts others down is haughty.  The metzora must now humble himself as contrition for his sin. Rashi explains that the three items which the metzora brought allude to the metzora’s resolve to humble himself:  Cedarwood which grows tall, imposing and wide, symbolizes arrogance. The wool thread which is dyed with a pigment made from a lowly creature and the hyssop, which is a lowly bush, represents the penitent’s newly found humility.  He who used to…

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