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“Aharon shall arrange it, from evening to morning.” (24:3)

The Torah tells us in this pasuk that Aharon HaKohen was responsible for arranging the lamps of the Menorah. In Parashas Tetzaveh, when the Torah records this ritual, it mentions that Aharon’s sons also arranged the lamps of the Menorah. Why is only Aharon’s name mentioned here? The Baal HaTurim explains that after Nadav and Avihu died in the Sanctuary, Aharon no longer permitted his remaining sons to enter alone. He always accompanied them into the Sanctuary. These are amazing words! The Baal HaTurim’s penetrating insight into Aharon’s behavior is both profound and pragmatic. How are we to understand this?…

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“Aharon shall arrange it, from evening to morning.” (24:3)

The Torah tells us in this pasuk that Aharon HaKohen was responsible for arranging the lamps of the Menorah. In Parashas Tetzaveh, when the Torah records this ritual, it mentions that Aharon’s sons also arranged the lamps of the Menorah. Why is only Aharon’s name mentioned here? The Baal HaTurim explains that after Nadav and Avihu died in the Sanctuary, Aharon no longer permitted his remaining sons to enter alone. He always accompanied them into the Sanctuary. These are amazing words! The Baal HaTurim’s penetrating insight into Aharon’s behavior is both profound and pragmatic. How are we to understand this?…

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“Aharon shall arrange it, from evening to morning.” (24:3)

The Torah tells us in this pasuk that Aharon HaKohen was responsible for arranging the lamps of the Menorah. In Parashas Tetzaveh, when the Torah records this ritual, it mentions that Aharon’s sons also arranged the lamps of the Menorah. Why is only Aharon’s name mentioned here? The Baal HaTurim explains that after Nadav and Avihu died in the Sanctuary, Aharon no longer permitted his remaining sons to enter alone. He always accompanied them into the Sanctuary. These are amazing words! The Baal HaTurim’s penetrating insight into Aharon’s behavior is both profound and pragmatic. How are we to understand this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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“And you shall rejoice before Hashem, your G-d, for a seven-day period.” (23:40)

The mitzvah of joy on the festival of Succos is intrinsic to the chag. It is an integral aspect of the festival’s identity. It occurred on one of the days of Succos that the daughter of Horav Meir, z.l., m’Premishlan became gravely ill. On Simchas Torah, the situation had deteriorated to the point that the young woman was at death’s door. Yet, Rav Meir Premishlaner danced the hakafos, traditional Simchas Torah dance with the Torah, with his usual joy and devotion. His chassidim were aghast at the Rebbe’s behavior. How could he exhibit such jubilation at a time like this?…

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