Rashi explains that Hashem commanded us to observe the Shabbos in Marah, even before the Giving of the Torah. Likewise, in regard to the mitzvah of Kibud Av v’Eim, honoring one’s parents, Rashi cites Chazal who assert that we were commanded to honor our parents in Marah. This is enigmatic, since in the parshah that tells about the manna, the Torah also details the laws of Shabbos. Why do they not say, “kaasher tzivcha,” “As He commanded you,” in the parsha of the manna? Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., gives a practical response to this question. The mitzvos of Shabbos and…
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Rashi explains that Hashem commanded us to observe the Shabbos in Marah, even before the Giving of the Torah. Likewise, in regard to the mitzvah of Kibud Av v’Eim, honoring one’s parents, Rashi cites Chazal who assert that we were commanded to honor our parents in Marah. This is enigmatic, since in the parshah that tells about the manna, the Torah also details the laws of Shabbos. Why do they not say, “kaasher tzivcha,” “As He commanded you,” in the parsha of the manna? Horav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, z.l., gives a practical response to this question. The mitzvos of Shabbos and…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…
Horav Nissan Alpert z.l., offers an anecdote in explanation of this pasuk: A Jew once stood before a gentile magistrate, attempting to describe to him the greatness of the saintly Chafetz Chaim z.l. He told how the Chafetz Chaim’s prayers penetrated the Heavens to implore the Almighty’s blessing for those in need. He described the Chafetz Chaim’s spiritual eminence and his ability to have miracles made for him. The judge brushed him aside, refusing to believe all of the stories. Hearing the disdain in the gentile’s voice, the Jew looked into his eyes and, in an accusing voice said, “My…