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Only beware of yourself and greatly beware for your soul, lest you forget the things that your eyes have beheld, and lest you remove them from your heart all the days of your life, and make them known to your children and your children’s children – the day that you stood before Hashem, your G-d, at Choreiv. (4:9,10)

During Matan Torah, the receiving of the Torah, Klal Yisrael reached an unparalleled spiritual level – the level of Adam Ha’rishon before he sinned by eating of the Eitz Ha’daas.  This level, however,  was short lived.  The sin of the Golden Calf mitigated Bnei Yisrael‘s  spiritual stature.  After Adam sinned, Hashem asked him, “Ayeca?” , literally translated as, “Where are you?” but interpreted by Chazal as “How were you?”  This infers that Adam was constantly to reinforce his original persona  in his psyche.  He was never to forget what he was, how high he had reached, his spiritual level of…

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Only beware for yourself and greatly beware for your soul, lest you forget the things that your eyes beheld, and lest you remove from your heart all the days of your life, and make them known to your children. (4:9)

We are admonished to retain focus on  Torah study,  lest we forget any part of it.  It is not easy to remember everything that we learn.  After all, we are only human,  so we forget.  A chasid once came before the Chidushei Ha’rim with such a complaint.  How was he to be expected to remember everything that he had  learned?  The Rebbe responded, “Tell me, my dear friend, did you ever forget to do something that your life depended on, such as  eating or sleeping?”  The chasid responded emphatically, “Of course not!”  The Rebbe countered, ” Eating and sleeping are…

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And make known to your children and your children’s children – the day that you stood before Hashem at Choreiv. (4:9,10)

In the Talmud Kiddushin 30A  Chazal infer from this pasuk’s command to teach Torah to one’s grandchildren that one who does so is considered as if he received the Torah  from Har Sinai.  This is derived from the juxtaposition of the revelation at Har Sinai to the mitzvah of talmud Torah.  In a lecture in Hilchos chinuch, Horav Reuven Grosovsky, zl, explains that one who teaches Torah becomes a shaliach, agent, of Hashem to transmit Torah to future generations.  He parallels Moshe Rabbeinu, the quintessential teacher and lawgiver, who transmitted the Torah to Bnei Yisrael. This unique relationship gives rise…

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Let me now cross and see the good land that is on the other side of the Yarden…And Hashem said to me, “It is too much for you! Do not continue to speak to me further about this matter.” (3:26,27)

Moshe was not permitted to enter into Eretz Yisrael regardless of the sincerity of his abundant  prayers.  It just was not to be. The Midrash adds a profound insight into Hashem’s refusal to sanction Moshe’s request  to enter Eretz Yisrael.  Rabbi Levi comments,   “Moshe Rabbeinu said to Hashem; Ribbono Shel Olam the bones of Yosef Ha’tzaddik shall enter Eretz Yisrael (for burial) and I shall not?’”  Hashem responded, “He who acknowledged his land merits to be buried there; he who did not acknowledge his land is not buried there.”  When Yosef was falsely accused of making advances to the…

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