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עשה לך שתי חצוצרת כסף מקשה תעשה אתם והיו לך למקרא העדה ולמסע את המחנות

Make for yourself two silver trumpets – make them hammered out, and they shall be yours for the summoning of the Assembly and to cause the camps to journey. (10:2)

The Talmud Menachos 28b states: “All the vessels which Moshe made were valid for him and (remained) valid for future generations. (This is exclusive of) the Chatzotzros, silver trumpets, which were valid for him and invalid for future generations.” The limitations of age did not apply to such keilim, vessels, as the Menorah, Shulchan, Shofar; every utensil which Moshe Rabbeinu had made was perfectly kosher, valid, for all future generations. The silver trumpets were different. They were made by Moshe for his own use; no one else could use Moshe’s trumpets. They would have to fashion their own. The rationale…

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ויאמרו האנשים ההמה... למה נגרע לבלתי הקריב את קרבן ד' במועדו

Those men said to him… Why should we be diminished by not offering Hashem’s offering at the appointed time? (9:7)

A group of people, who due to their being in a state of tumah, ritual impurity, were ineligible to bring the Korban Pesach, presented themselves before Moshe Rabbeinu, asking for a dispensation of some sort. Their desire to offer the Korban Pesach was so intense that they appealed to Moshe to somehow, someway, help them experience this milestone event. As a result of their burning desire to perform the mitzvah, Hashem made them agents through whom He revealed the mitzvah of celebrating Pesach Sheni, the Second Pesach. Essentially, it was to be viewed as a makeup Pesach. This is the…

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וכל מעשר בקר וצאן כל אשר יעבר תחת השבט העשירי יהיה קדש לד'

Any tithe of cattle or flock, any that passes under the staff, the tenth of one shall be holy to Hashem. (27:32)

Every tenth animal of those born during the current season must be consecrated as an offering to Hashem. This is Maaser beheimah, the tithe of cattle or flock. All of the animals are put into a large corral and allowed to leave individually. Every tenth animal is marked with a dab of paint to distinguish it from the other animals. Horav Eliezer Gordon, zl, founding Rosh Yeshivah of Telshe, visited Kiev in order to solicit funds for his growing yeshivah. He came to the home of one of the wealthiest men in Russia and presented his case on behalf of…

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ונתן את הערכך ביום ההוא קדש לד' וכל ערכך יהיה בשקל הקדש

And he shall pay the evaluation of that day, it is holy to Hashem. (27: 23)

Every valuation shall be in the sacred shekel. (27:25) In the Talmud Arachin 24a, Chazal state, Ein l’hekdesh ela mekomo u’sheato, “Hekdesh has only its place and time.” This means that, if a man makes an erech – vow, but lacks the means to pay for it, the gizbar of Hekdesh, the Sanctuary’s treasurer, must assess his possessions to establish the amount that the donor can really afford. The assessment of value is commensurate with the place and time in which the vow occurred. For example, if the donor possesses a slave who is worth twenty dinarim, but when he…

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ורדפו מכם חמשה מאה ומאה מכם רבבה ירדופו

Five of you will pursue a hundred, and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand. (26:8)

Rashi notes the discrepancy in the ratio of five to one hundred. If five Jews can pursue one hundred, which is a ratio of one to twenty, then a hundred Jews should pursue two thousand – not more. Yet, the Torah states that one hundred will pursue ten thousand. This teaches that when more people are united in serving Hashem, the effectiveness of their actions increase exponentially. The same Reuven and Shimon who had earlier been pursuing one hundred are now able to achieve much more. They have not changed, but their power has, because they are part of a…

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אם בחקתי תלכו ואת מצותי תשמרו ועשיתם אתם

If you will follow My decrees and observe My Commandments and perform them. (26:3)

At first glance, the pasuk appears repetitious: follow My decrees; observe My commandments; perform them. The Torah is not written in synonyms. Every word – indeed, every letter – has profound significance. How are we to understand what appear to be variegated nuances for heeding Hashem’s word? Rashi explains that the pasuk is teaching us the process by which we proceed from learning to action. The combined meaning of the pasuk is: If you will follow My decrees by engaging in ameilus ba’Torah, intensive Torah study, with the intention that this study will lead to; observe My commandments properly, and,…

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פקד את בני לוי לבית אבתם... כל זכר מבן חדש ומעלה תפקדם. ויפקד אתם משה על פי ד'

Count the sons of Levi according to their father’s household… every male from one month of age and up shall you count them. Moshe counted them according to the word of Hashem. (3:15,16)

Perhaps the infants of Shevet Levi were precocious, but they certainly did not perform the service in the Sanctuary at the age of thirty-days old. Horav Moshe Feinstein, zl, explains that the members of other tribes were occupied with guarding and working the land. Thus, they were unable to devote as much time to their children’s education as were the Leviim. Therefore, they were counted when they reached the age of twenty years. When they were still young, it was difficult to know if they would achieve the spiritual level required to represent the nation. At age twenty, the way…

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וחנו בני ישראל איש על מחנהו ואיש על דגלו לצבאותם

Bnei Yisrael shall encamp, every man at his camp and every man at his banner. (1:52)

The Torah goes into a lengthy discourse concerning the significance and specific order of the degalim, flags/banners, under which each tribe encamped. The people are admonished concerning their adherence towards honoring the protocols and parameters of the degalim. Each tribe was to remain within the boundary of his area of encampment as signified by his banner. Indeed, we find earlier, in Parashas Emor (Vayikra 24:10), that the blasphemer’s original complaint was based upon the fact that he was not permitted to pitch his tent within the area designated for the Tribe of Dan. Likewise, we find specific protocols within the…

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ויתילדו על משפחתם לבית אבותם

And they established their genealogy according to their families, according to the household of their fathers. (1:18)

The count was carried out according to tribe. Thus, it was required for everyone to establish his tribal lineage, either by written documentation or by the testimony of witnesses. Lineage was important in order to determine exactly where each individual belonged. Pedigree, however, should not become the barometer for judging people, for promoting success, for determining an individual’s potential or position. Success is earned; it is an achievement for which one toils, for which one must be personally worthy. “Surprisingly,” there are people who do not have yichus, exceptional pedigree. They are simple, regular, common people, who do what is…

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שאו את ראש כל עדת בני ישראל למשפחתם לבית אבתם במספר שמות

Take a census of the entire assembly of Bnei Yisrael, according to their families, according to their fathers’ household, by number of the names. (1:2)

What is the significance of the counting of the people by their names? Ramban explains this practically. It was a great honor to be presented before Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon HaKohen and state one’s name as a form of introduction. In his commentary to Sefer Shemos 1:1, Sforno explains the delineation of the individual names of each of the sons of Yaakov Avinu, while the names of the rest of the seventy members of the family which descended to Egypt are not detailed. Those who are mentioned were worthy to be named, for each one was worthy of his name,…

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