The Mirrer Mashgiach, Horav Yechezkel Levinstein, zl, was known as a person who approached mitzvah performance with enthusiasm and exuberance. His vitality and vigor did not wane even as he advanced in age. He truly embodied the pasuk in Tehillim 92, “A righteous man will flourish like a date palm…They will be fruitful in old age, vigorous and fresh they will be.” Each of his tefillos, prayers, were the result of a unique rejuvenation. Each mussar lecture was a new experience. To listen to him was to share in the re-invigoration of his spirit. No aspect of his spiritual ritual …
Horav Yechezkel Abramsky, zl, infers three levels of teshuvah, repentance, from the sequence of the pesukim. The lowest rung on the ladder of repentance is the teshuvah that emerges as a result of experiencing punishment. After all, you do not find many non-believers in the hospital! The pain has begun; the punishment is imminent. The reality of his wrong-doing is readily apparent. Indeed, only the obstinate and arrogant will continue to refrain from performing teshuvah. “It will be when all these things come upon you,” as it begins to hurt – it is now efficacious to perform teshuvah. The middle…