In the Talmud Makos 11b Chazal rule that the unintentional murderer may not leave his city of refuge under any circumstance, even if he is a witness who is to testify in a case of capital punishment. They go so far as to say that even if all of Klal Yisrael were in dire need of his leadership, such as Yoav ben Tzruyah, he still may not leave. There he shall live, there he shall die, and there he is to be buried. This halachah is enigmatic! Is it not true that pikuach nefesh, a case which involves life and…
Forty two times the Torah reiterates ubjhu – ugxhu “and they journeyed/and they rested.” The commentators suggest reasons for the Torah’s recounting each and every situation in Klal Yisrael’s sojourn. One thing is clear: Each word is there for a purpose; it is there to teach us a lesson. Horav Moshe Swift, zl, infers a meaningful lesson from this apparent redundancy. Life has its ups and downs, its moments of opportunity and success, and its periods of mistakes and catastrophe. The important lesson to remember is to take each of life’s situations in mind, study it and apply it. It…