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“And you shall set the blessing upon Mount Gerizim and the curse upon Mount Eival.” (11:29)

Why did Hashem designate two distinct mountains for curse and blessing? Would it not have been equally effective to have both blessing and curse upon the same mountain? Indeed, were not the Leviim the ones who stood between both mountains and recited both blessings and curses? The Kehilas Yitzchak explains that Hashem could have understandably issued blessing and curse from the same mountain. He wanted, however, to teach us a valuable lesson. The place from which goodness and blessing emanates must be separate from the place which breeds evil and curse. A Jew should seek to go to such a…

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“After Hashem your G-d you shall walk, and Him you shall fear, and His mitzvos you shall keep, and unto His voice you shall listen, and Him you shall serve.” (13:5)

In Parashas Eikav (10:20) the Torah makes a similar statement, “You shall fear Hashem, worship Him, and cling to Him.” One idea distinguishes these two seemingly redundant pesukim. The first pasuk is written is the singular, whereas the pasuk in our parsha is written in the plural form. This implies two different audiences. Horav A.M. M’Gur, z.l., offers the following explanation for the apparent redundancy and change in focus. Under stable conditions, each individual can concentrate upon developing and enhancing his own spirituality, even in seclusion. During times of spiritual turbulence, however, the moral fiber of society deteriorates and blasphemers…

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You shall open your hand to your brother, to the poor, to the needy, in your land.” (15:11)

There are four levels of tzedakah. First is one who is “your brother.” One’s family takes precedence in charity. Second is “your poor.” The poor citizens of one’s city are to be cared for before one accepts responsibility for the poor of another city. The third degree is “your needy.” He who is most needy is to be helped first. Last is “in your land,” the poor of Eretz Yisrael. The laws regarding charitable donations are unambiguous. One does not contribute according to his heart’s sentiments. Torah provides a prescribed manner and order for giving. The needy person or organization…

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“The blessing: that you listen to the commands of Hashem your G-d … And the curse if you will not listen to the commands of Hashem your G-d.” (11:27-28)

Significantly, in reference to the blessing the Torah does not state “if you will listen,” but “that you will listen.” Hashem does not promise us earthly blessings because we have fulfilled His precepts. On the contrary, He wants us to fulfill His precepts in order that we be motivated towards an even higher level of adherence to Torah and mitzvos. In fact, greater material abundance strengthens our ability to translate Hashem’s laws into concrete practice. Indeed, fulfilling the mitzvah of “tzitzis” obviously requires the possessions of a garment, while the mitzvah of mezuzah requires one to maintain a form of…

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“For Hashem your G-d is testing you to know whether you love Hashem your G-d.” (13:4)

The test of the false prophet is a formidable one. We are enjoined to refrain from listening to him even if his “man-made” miracles are impressive. Obviously, it is inherently difficult to withstand such a test. What is the trait which a Jew must possess in order to defeat the evil inclination which seduces him into believing in false prophets? The answer is found in this posuk. Hashem is testing us to see if we love Him. Man can transcend the questions of faith that confront him only through a relationship of love. Love can justify that which evades logical…

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“You are children of Hashem your G-d, you shall not cut yourselves nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.” (14:1)

  The concept of being considered Hashem’s children carries with it powerful consequences. As the children of Hashem, we are promised redemption from the depths of bondage, persecution, and the many other trials which have marked the chronicles of our tumultuous past. These special guarantees, however, are accompanied by the responsibilities of being Hashem’s children. We are inescapably subject to specific tasks, rigorous standards, and formidable punishment.   Attribution as Hashem’s children implies a sympathetic and personal loving relationship. As the Bechor Shor emphasizes, even when one suffers excruciating loneliness as a result of the loss of a parent or…

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“If among you there will be a poor man of one of you brethren … you shall not harden your heart … but rather open wide your hand to him. Also lend and lend him, sufficient for his need which he lacks.” (15:7-8)

According to the Torah, the duty to provide for the poor rests equally upon the community as a whole and upon every individual member thereof. This obligation is an essential principle of the law of tzedaka (charity). The community at large and each individual member must cooperate in order to realize the goal set by the Torah. Those who seek to fulfill the mitzvah by contributing only to communal funds do not embody the spirit of Jewish “giving” which is encouraged by the Torah. Based upon the Torah’s admonishment of “do not harden your heart,” one may assume that Jewish…

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“Take heed for yourself that you do not forsake the Levi as long as you live upon your land.” (12:19)

As Bnei Yisroel are about to undertake the settlement of the land, it is significant to note that the tribe of Levi will be scattered among the people. The Leviim will act as the nerves and arteries emanating from the nation’s brain and heart, with the Mishkan maintaining the spiritual link and bond between the members of the nation. Scattered among a population engaged primarily in agricultural pursuits, cattle breeding, and other related industries, such “unproductive” members of the community as the Leviim, could easily become neglected and even despised, if the people fail to appreciate the vital and role…

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“You are children of Hashem your G-d.” (14:1)

 Rabbi Yaakov Neiman Zt”l states that this posuk should serve as a blueprint for every educator as he charts his path towards desseminating Torah values to Jewish children. For, just as every Jew should be aware that “I place Hashem constantly before me”, so too, should every educator reflect that he is instructing Hashem’s children. This awareness will enable him to maintain his patience and attention while transmitting Torah to Hashems’s children. Often we are lacking the compassion neccessary to transmit Torah values. Despite various differences among children in ability, aptitude, skill, and desire, their potential can be realized if…

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For you shall surely open up your hand for him… sufficient for his need which he lacks…” (15:8)

We are herein enjoined to provide the indigent not only with basic sustenance, but also to provide for all his wants and needs. The Talmud in Kesubos (67b) relates that Hillel ran before the carriage of a formerly wealthy individual in order to satisfy the rich man’s needs for the outer trappings of affluence to which he was accustomed. The Talmud defines this act as adherence to the dictates of “dei machsoro”, the necessity to provide the indigent with all that they lack and need. We should wonder, however, as to the attitude of this pauper. Did he not realize…

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