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“For Hashem your G-d is testing you to know whether you love Hashem your G-d.” (13:4)

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The test of the false prophet is a formidable one. We are enjoined to refrain from listening to him even if his “man-made” miracles are impressive. Obviously, it is inherently difficult to withstand such a test. What is the trait which a Jew must possess in order to defeat the evil inclination which seduces him into believing in false prophets? The answer is found in this posuk. Hashem is testing us to see if we love Him. Man can transcend the questions of faith that confront him only through a relationship of love. Love can justify that which evades logical deduction. A parent’s relationship to a child presents a paradigm for this type of devotion. Due to the immense love of parents for their child, they view every action from the most positive perspective. They will employ every rationalization to justify a child’s misbehavior. The rule is simple: Man has the power to realize his deepest yearnings, although he no longer desires that which is inaccessible to him. Love of Hashem gives one the strength to confront all of life’s challenges.

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