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“After Hashem your G-d you shall walk, and Him you shall fear, and His mitzvos you shall keep, and unto His voice you shall listen, and Him you shall serve.” (13:5)

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In Parashas Eikav (10:20) the Torah makes a similar statement, “You shall fear Hashem, worship Him, and cling to Him.” One idea distinguishes these two seemingly redundant pesukim. The first pasuk is written is the singular, whereas the pasuk in our parsha is written in the plural form. This implies two different audiences.

Horav A.M. M’Gur, z.l., offers the following explanation for the apparent redundancy and change in focus. Under stable conditions, each individual can concentrate upon developing and enhancing his own spirituality, even in seclusion. During times of spiritual turbulence, however, the moral fiber of society deteriorates and blasphemers openly flaunt their diatribe. The power of the individual is rendered too weak to withstand the pressure upon him. The talents and powers of the entire Torah community must then be coalesced to provide the spiritual sustenance with which to defend our heritage against all incursions. Only with such support will we succeed in dispelling the harmful influence generated by these pressures.

In our parsha, the Torah addresses the danger to the Jewish community resulting from the false prophets. The previous exhortation regarding our relationship with Hashem is reiterated. This time, however, it is presented in the plural form. We are thereby instructed to combine our concerted efforts to repel this onslaught. We are required to work as a community to express proudly our spiritual heritage and our determination to observe Torah and mitzvos.

One postscript should be noted. While it is wonderful to have everyone working “together” for the sake of Heaven, they must function under one banner of Torah leadership. If everyone continues doing his “own thing” without the guidance and inspiration of Gedolei Yisrael, Torah leadership, our only achievement will be the defeat of our objectives.

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