This seems to be a three part statement. Horav M. Swift, z.l., applies this pasuk to three types of Jews whose distorted sense of (Jewish) values preclude their proper observance of Torah and mitzvos. The first type is the Jew whose religious life centers around his period of mourning. His observance of Judaism is manifest through his expression of grief. In modern times, shiva has been diminished by the “enlightened Jew” from seven days to one night. Next, we find the Jew whose mixed sense of values distorts his perspective. He can no longer discern between “kodesh,” holy, and “tamei,”…
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Rashi cites the Talmud in Sotah 32a that describes the procedure for giving the blessings and curses. Six tribes ascended to the summit of Har Gerizim, and six tribes ascended to the summit of Har Eival. The Kohanim and Leviim stood below in the middle. The Leviim turned toward Har Gerizim and recited the blessing, while both groups responded with Amen. Afterwards, this same procedure was followed reciting the curses, but this time they faced Har Eival. Horav M. Shternbuch, Shlita, suggests a profound lesson to be derived from this pasuk. The tribe of Levi received no portion in Eretz…
As translated above, this pasuk is ambiguous. How does one “confirm” the words of the Torah? The Ramban offers various interpretations of the word oheh from which we may derive important lessons. First, the Ramban states that the word “yakim” means to “uphold and accept” the validity of the Torah in all generations. Consequently, the curse applies to anyone who denies the relevance of any part of the Torah. Accordingly, it is our obligation to impress upon all Jews the Torah’s relevance as a living source of guidance for modern society. Second, the Ramban cites the Yerushalmi in Sotah 7:4,…
This pasuk implies that the source of all the punishment is serving Hashem with a lack of joy. The Arizal states that precisely because Klal Yisrael served Hashem in a lackluster manner, without vitality and joy, they would ultimately serve their enemies. Joy is an essential component of avodas Hashem, serving Hashem. Indeed, if we would not have failed to serve Hashem with joy, we would not have been exiled. The Yalkut Me’am Loez explains this idea with a simple, but profound analogy. The king of a certain country had a son that was not controllable, His unrestrained acts of…
Horav Elchonon Wasserman Z”l explains the distinction between the term “am” and the term “goy”, both of which are commonly translated as “nation”. “Goy” connotes an autonomous nation which is settled in its own land under its own governance. In contrast, “am” implies a people or large group of individuals who speak the same language and maintain a common culture. They comprise a “nation” despite their lack of their own land. This differentiation clarifies Moshe’s declaration to Bnei Yisrael, “Today you have become an am”, for they had accepted the Torah, which was written in seventy languages on the…
The above pasuk characterizes the observance of Hashem’s mitzvos as the primary vehicle of demonstrating our obedience to Him. We are to listen to Hashem’s voice for the sole purpose of fulfilling His law. In return for this life of service to Him, we have been promised an abundance of material blessing wherever we go. Wherever we may be, we will be accompanied by Hashem’s blessing. One simple criterion must be met: “To obey Hashem in order to fulfill His laws.” Material wealth should serve as a means, but never as the goal, for the Jewish people. We will…
We may note that the Torah reveals that the only sin which will effect these terrible curses is a deficiency in serving Hashem joyously. An insipid service of Hashem is not only wrong, but it also distorts the very essence of spirituality. As the Nefesh Hachayim points out, a service devoid of passion is comparable to the interaction characteristic of the relationship of a slave to his master or a prisoner to his captor. Why does the Torah inflict such terrible punishment upon one who fails to achieve this spiritual apex? Individual personalities vary, and not all people are…
In compliance with the Divine imperative, Moshe gave a special Sefer Torah to the tribe of Levi. Upon hearing this, Bnei Yisrael reacted in an unanticipated manner. They said, “Moshe, we also stood at Mount Sinai and received the Torah, why should you give dominance to the people of your tribe over it? In the future your descendants might claim it was given only to them and not to all of us. This could, Heaven-forbid, lead to the Torah ultimately being lost from Klal Yisrael.” When Moshe heard their reaction he responded, “Today, you have become a nation. This day…
The Torah is making us aware that all the “good” which one possesses is of no value if he takes it only for himself, and does not share it equally with those less fortunate than he. When one is ready to share in the good which Hashem has given, that he is truly in possession of “all the good”. We learn from this posuk that one must implant in his mind that whatever he possesses is a gift from Hashem. This gift is given to him on the condition that he exercise his ownership over it properly, by sharing it…
There are degrees of intensity in performing Hashem’s mitzvos. One may discharge His mandate instinctively, without any forethought This individual is definitely performing the mitzvos, although he is missing the essence of the observance. The sanctity and purity which one develops by performing Mitzvos by rote is diminished, and the whole meaning of his Judaism is thereby endangered. The proper course is one where he is aware of Hashem’s Presence, constantly, vigilant, awaiting the opportunity to serve Hashem. Rabbi Mordechai Gifter Shlita explains the transgression of the rebellious son “he does not listen to the voice of his father and…