ויבא קין מפרי האדמה מנחה לד'. והבל הביא גם הוא מבכורות צאנו ומחלביהן. וישע ד' אל הבל ואל מנחתו ואל קין ואל מנחתו לא שעה
The Torah informs us that Kayin brought of the fruit of the ground as an offering to Hashem. From the fact that the Torah underscores that Hevel’s sacrifice was derived from the choicest animals, we derive that Kayin’s offering was of a mediocre nature. Thus, Hashem turned to Hevel’s offering, rather than Kayin’s, because Hevel brought from the finest of his animals. This seems a bit difficult to accept. Since when is there a competition among “good,” “better,” and “best” before Hashem? The Almighty cares only about attitude, not product. The individual’s intentions determine the true nature of the sacrifice…