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Any open vessel that has no cover fastened to it is contaminated/impure. (19:15)

It is sad, but true: A person is most often judged by his external appearance. His manner of dress,  be it  conventional  or “different,”  determines  our first  opinion  of him. We become caught up in the chitzoniyus, externals, and ignore the “real” Jew, the pnimiyus, internal essence of the person who stands before us. I have found this to be a reality, especially in dealing with individuals of both genders who are incarcerated for various felonies – some light, others serious, but felonies no less. At first glance, they might present themselves in an unsavory light, but, upon getting to…

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If a man will die in a tent: Anyone who enters the tent and anything that is in the tent shall be contaminated/impure for seven days. (19:14)

We view a rasha, wicked person, with disdain, when actually it is the sin that we should  hate,  not  the  sinner.  We  do  not  realize  that  regardless  of  a  person’s transgressions, his neshamah, soul, is endowed with kedushah, holiness. Horav Tuvia HaLevi, zl, one of the talmidei Arizal, applies this idea to explain why a Jewish corpse is metamei, ritually contaminates, anyone who comes in contact with it, more so than the corpse of a gentile. A Jewish corpse is metamei both b’ohel and b’maga, by standing over it (whereby you are creating an “ohel”) or touching it, while a…

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He (Aharon HaKohen) stood between the dead and the living, and the plague stopped. (17:13)

Literally, Aharon stood between the dead and the living. The Baba Sali suggests that this pasuk refers  to Aharon’s advocacy on behalf  of the living,  rather  than  his standing between them and preventing the Malach Ha’Mavess, Angel of Death, from completing his mission. Aharon prayed to Hashem concerning the distinction between the living and those who have passed from this world. The living have the opportunity to serve Hashem, study His Torah and observe His mitzvos. The dead no longer have this opportunity: Lo ha’meisim yeha’lelu Kah, “Neither the dead can praise G-d” (Tehillim 115:17). This is how Aharon was able…

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This distressed Moshe greatly. (16:15)

Moshe Rabbeinu had just experienced the nadir of chutzpah: Korach and his rebels had openly defied his authority. When Klal Yisrael’s leader, the individual who had led the nation out of bondage, asked them to appear before him with their grievances, they flatly refused. However, that was not all. They read off a list of concocted complaints which were blatantly false. Talk about chutzpah! They referred to Egypt, the country that had enslaved them for over two centuries as, “the land of milk and honey.” Egypt – not Eretz Yisrael! They laced into Moshe for the sin of the meraglim,…

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And On ben Peles. (16:1)

Chazal teach that On ben Peles, one of Korach’s early supporters, was destined to suffer the same bitter end that befell Korach and his mutinous followers. It was his wife who saved him. First, she attempted to bring him to his senses, claiming that he was in a lose-lose situation. Whether Moshe Rabbeinu persevered or Korach succeeded, On ben Peles was not going to become the leader of the nation. He was going to be a lackey, regardless of who triumphed. So, why did he get involved? The problem was that On ben Peles had committed himself and was a…

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And Korach separated himself. (16:1)

Throughout the millennia, the name Korach has personified one idea: machlokes, controversy,  strife,  dispute  for  the  sake  of  destruction.  As  Korach  succeeded in destroying himself and his followers, so, too, do the modern-day heirs to his ignominious title destroy themselves and all those who chose the ill-fated path of following him. In a letter written in 5760, Horav Aharon Leib Shteinman, Shlita, bemoans the fact that disputes among individuals – and even among institutions – have risen to epic proportions. The Rosh Yeshivah expresses his extreme pain and anguish over this tragedy. Each party thinks that he is justified, not…

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And Korach separated himself. (16:1)

In the beginning of Sefer Devarim, Moshe Rabbeinu details the places in which the Jewish nation acted inappropriately. Rather than underscore the sin and humiliate them, our leader alludes to various indiscretions by the names and places in which these events took place: Bein Paran u’bein Tofel, v’Lavan va’Chatzeiros v’Di Zahav (Devarim 1:1). The commentators note that these places do not exist on any geographical map; rather, they are allusions to sins – Paran refers to the spies who were sent out from the Wilderness of Paran. Tofel and Lavan allude to the people’s complaints about the Manna. Chatzeiros is…

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And Korach separated himself. (16:1)

Korach was no fool. Yet, he acted in a manner unbecoming a person who possesses even a modicum of common sense. He had it all. Why did he throw everything away for a chance at a moment of glory? Did he not realize that he had no prospects of succeeding in this ill-fated endeavor? Rashi explains that his “eye” threw him off (16:7). He saw a succession of distinguished offspring descending from him. The illustrious Shmuel HaNavi, who was to succeed Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon HaKohen as the nation’s spiritual leader, stood at the helm of this revered lineage. How…

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And Korach ben Yitzhar ben Kehas ben Levi separated himself. (16:1)

The Midrash Tanchuma observes that Yaakov Avinu’s name is glaringly omitted from Korach’s lineage. The Midrash says that it was by design, so that Yaakov’s name not be included together with that of Korach. The mere thought of dispute distances Yaakov Avinu from these people. This reverts to Bircas Yaakov, the blessings the Patriarch gave his sons shortly before his death. He said, B’sodam al tavoh nafshi, b’k’halom al teichad kevodi, “Into their conspiracy may my soul not enter, with their congregation do not join, my honor” (Bereishis 49:6). This refers to the Korach controversy. Did it mean that much…

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It shall constitute Tzitzis for you, and you shall see it and you shall remember all the commandments of Hashem. (15:39)

What is it about the mitzvah of Tzitzis that the Torah – more so than for any other mitzvah  – emphasizes  that  will  engender  the  remembrance  of all  of the   other mitzvos? The commentators render explanations, ranging from the simple p’shat, to the homiletic and even to the esoteric. Perhaps, we might suggest the following: Tzitzis, unlike any other mitzvah, also comprises the Jew’s uniform. A Tallis katan (Tzitzis) is worn all day. The Tallis gadol is worn during davening, and some righteous Jews even sit in their Tallis and Tefillin throughout the day. In any event, the Tallis is the Jew’s…

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