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“Then Yaakov inquired, and he said, “Divulge, if you please, your name.” And he said, “Why then do you inquire of my name?” (32:30)

Rashi explains that an angel exists only to perform Hashem’s will, and his “name” reflects his mission. By asking the angel for his name, Yaakov Avinu sought to determine the nature of his mission. The angel replied that he had no established name, since the names of angels change in accordance with their mission. Horav Leib Chasman, z.l., posits that when the angel responded, “Why then do you inquire of my name?” it was a rhetorical question, constituting his response to Yaakov’s query. A person’s name indicates his essence and true nature. Adam HaRishon gave names to all of the…

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“Then Yaakov inquired, and he said, “Divulge, if you please, your name.” And he said, “Why then do you inquire of my name?” (32:30)

Rashi explains that an angel exists only to perform Hashem’s will, and his “name” reflects his mission. By asking the angel for his name, Yaakov Avinu sought to determine the nature of his mission. The angel replied that he had no established name, since the names of angels change in accordance with their mission. Horav Leib Chasman, z.l., posits that when the angel responded, “Why then do you inquire of my name?” it was a rhetorical question, constituting his response to Yaakov’s query. A person’s name indicates his essence and true nature. Adam HaRishon gave names to all of the…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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“No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome.” (32:29)

The names “Yaakov” and “Yisrael” allude to two distinct periods in the spiritual condition of our People. Horav Meir Shapiro, z.l., presents an historical perspective based upon these two names. The name Yisrael, symbolizing strength and sovereignty, was evident in the period of “hode,” glory, in the life of our nation: when Torah and mitzvah went side by side; when their study and observance were part and parcel of every Jew’s “weltenshaung;” when faith in the Almighty beat in everyone’s heart. A period of “shiflus,” lowliness, unfortunately was also manifest in our nation: when we descended to the nadir of…

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