Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to do battle with Midyan because of that nation’s malicious attempt to destroy Klal Yisrael’s spiritual standing. Their attempt to corrupt the Jewish People warranted their destruction. This punishment is different than that which was meted out against the Egyptians. The Torah in Sefer Devarim 23:8 insists that the Egyptians not be rejected. Is this equitable? One would think that the nation that tried so hard to destroy us physically would deserve a more severe punishment than the Midyanim, who “merely” attempted to corrupt us. Chazal have a different perspective than we have. They view a…
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Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to do battle with Midyan because of that nation’s malicious attempt to destroy Klal Yisrael’s spiritual standing. Their attempt to corrupt the Jewish People warranted their destruction. This punishment is different than that which was meted out against the Egyptians. The Torah in Sefer Devarim 23:8 insists that the Egyptians not be rejected. Is this equitable? One would think that the nation that tried so hard to destroy us physically would deserve a more severe punishment than the Midyanim, who “merely” attempted to corrupt us. Chazal have a different perspective than we have. They view a…
Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to do battle with Midyan because of that nation’s malicious attempt to destroy Klal Yisrael’s spiritual standing. Their attempt to corrupt the Jewish People warranted their destruction. This punishment is different than that which was meted out against the Egyptians. The Torah in Sefer Devarim 23:8 insists that the Egyptians not be rejected. Is this equitable? One would think that the nation that tried so hard to destroy us physically would deserve a more severe punishment than the Midyanim, who “merely” attempted to corrupt us. Chazal have a different perspective than we have. They view a…
Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to do battle with Midyan because of that nation’s malicious attempt to destroy Klal Yisrael’s spiritual standing. Their attempt to corrupt the Jewish People warranted their destruction. This punishment is different than that which was meted out against the Egyptians. The Torah in Sefer Devarim 23:8 insists that the Egyptians not be rejected. Is this equitable? One would think that the nation that tried so hard to destroy us physically would deserve a more severe punishment than the Midyanim, who “merely” attempted to corrupt us. Chazal have a different perspective than we have. They view a…
Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to do battle with Midyan because of that nation’s malicious attempt to destroy Klal Yisrael’s spiritual standing. Their attempt to corrupt the Jewish People warranted their destruction. This punishment is different than that which was meted out against the Egyptians. The Torah in Sefer Devarim 23:8 insists that the Egyptians not be rejected. Is this equitable? One would think that the nation that tried so hard to destroy us physically would deserve a more severe punishment than the Midyanim, who “merely” attempted to corrupt us. Chazal have a different perspective than we have. They view a…
It is a well-known maxim that Hashem remunerates middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. This pasuk raises many questions. First, what is the relationship between Pinchas’ act of zealousness and the blessing of eternal priesthood for his descendants? Second, when the Torah says “Pinchas saw,” it seems to imply that Pinchas saw what no one else saw. Were they not all there to witness the dastardly act committed by Zimri? The previous Gerrer Rebbe, Horav Pinchas Menachem Alter, z.l., cites the Baal Shem Tov, who relates in the name of the Arizal, that Hashem shows a person only that which…
It is a well-known maxim that Hashem remunerates middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. This pasuk raises many questions. First, what is the relationship between Pinchas’ act of zealousness and the blessing of eternal priesthood for his descendants? Second, when the Torah says “Pinchas saw,” it seems to imply that Pinchas saw what no one else saw. Were they not all there to witness the dastardly act committed by Zimri? The previous Gerrer Rebbe, Horav Pinchas Menachem Alter, z.l., cites the Baal Shem Tov, who relates in the name of the Arizal, that Hashem shows a person only that which…
It is a well-known maxim that Hashem remunerates middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. This pasuk raises many questions. First, what is the relationship between Pinchas’ act of zealousness and the blessing of eternal priesthood for his descendants? Second, when the Torah says “Pinchas saw,” it seems to imply that Pinchas saw what no one else saw. Were they not all there to witness the dastardly act committed by Zimri? The previous Gerrer Rebbe, Horav Pinchas Menachem Alter, z.l., cites the Baal Shem Tov, who relates in the name of the Arizal, that Hashem shows a person only that which…
It is a well-known maxim that Hashem remunerates middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. This pasuk raises many questions. First, what is the relationship between Pinchas’ act of zealousness and the blessing of eternal priesthood for his descendants? Second, when the Torah says “Pinchas saw,” it seems to imply that Pinchas saw what no one else saw. Were they not all there to witness the dastardly act committed by Zimri? The previous Gerrer Rebbe, Horav Pinchas Menachem Alter, z.l., cites the Baal Shem Tov, who relates in the name of the Arizal, that Hashem shows a person only that which…
It is a well-known maxim that Hashem remunerates middah k’neged middah, measure for measure. This pasuk raises many questions. First, what is the relationship between Pinchas’ act of zealousness and the blessing of eternal priesthood for his descendants? Second, when the Torah says “Pinchas saw,” it seems to imply that Pinchas saw what no one else saw. Were they not all there to witness the dastardly act committed by Zimri? The previous Gerrer Rebbe, Horav Pinchas Menachem Alter, z.l., cites the Baal Shem Tov, who relates in the name of the Arizal, that Hashem shows a person only that which…