The Talmud Brachos 60a interprets the repetition of the word healing tprh tpru as granting permission to the physician to heal. Rashi extends the words of the Talmud by asserting that Hashem smites and man heals. Thus, he implies that a special biblical dispensation sanctioning human healing is necessary. (We are not focusing here upon the issues of trust in Hashem — or lack thereof — which relate to human healing.) The Chofetz Chaim, z.l., however, presents an interesting insight into the problem of human healing and the role of doctors in the healing process. He questions the Talmud’s “searching”…
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The Aseres Hadibros, the Ten Commandments, have been described as the fountainhead of Jewish law. Indeed, it is the most sublime synopsis of human duties; it will never be antiquated. The Aseres Hadibros comprised the first compendium of laws which Hashem gave to Am Yisrael. Contemporary man distinguishes between his visible actions (i.e., the things we do and don’t do) and the actions that are in the back of his mind (i.e., the things that we think of and do not do). We tend to discern between the things we do and the motive behind these actions. This unfortunate situation…
A Kohen is one whose life is devoted to the service of Hashem. The title Kohen also implies “scholar”. As it is written in Shmuel II 8:18 – uhv ohbvf sus hbcuw which means that they were Torah scholars. Hence, the prime pursuit of Am Yisrael is the study of Torah. Horav Avigdor Miller, Shlita, observes that this pasuk does not merely state Hashem’s promise of Am Yisrael‘s future reward. It is an aspect of Hashem’s covenant with us which responds to our acceptance of the Torah. When we responded with the gnabu vagb, “We will do and we will…
Rashi states that Yisro returned home solely in order to convert the remainder of his family to Judaism. The Maharal interprets the words “And Moshe sent” to imply that Moshe gave his blessings to this return. Horav A.H. Lebovitz, Shlita, poignantly extols the supreme sacrifice that Yisro made by leaving Bnei Yisrael and returning to Midyan. Bnei Yisrael had been privy to a unique miraculous existence. Sustained by manna, protected by the Clouds of Glory and a Pillar of Fire, Bnei Yisrael had experienced the most intense spiritual moments of all time. Under the tutelage of the greatest teacher, Moshe…
The Ramban writes that when Bnei Yisrael went forth to wage war with Amalek, Moshe feared the worst. He prayed intensely to Hashem on their behalf. The Ramban questions Moshe’s concern. Had not Hashem performed miracles for them? Was there any reason for Him to neglect them at this stage of their redemption? The Ramban explains that Moshe feared Amalek particularly because he was Eisav’s grandson. Eisav had been assured of the blessing of “by your sword you shall live.” This blessing accorded him great physical might, which assured him of success in his battles. This blessing was the source…
The Divine gift of manna was essentially the last of the great miracles which surrounded the Egyptian Exodus. These wonders were designed to illuminate our path and guide us in our belief in Hashem. Indeed, Chazal view the manna as the ultimate miracle which nurtured our emunah and stimulated our bitachon in Hashem. Hashem brought us through the desert in a long, circuitous way. He nourished us with manna from Heaven and water from the Well in order to imbue Torah into our bodies and souls. Relying upon Hashem to provide “parnasah,” livelihood, and believing in His “ability” to sustain…
What was unique about these miracles that stimulated Bnei Yisrael’s faith in Hashem more strongly than did the miracles wrought in Egypt? What provoked Bnei Yisrael to finally express gratitude to Hashem through the vehicle of “shirah,” song of praise? Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., offers a profound homiletic response to this question. Historical events are all part of a great portrait created by Hashem as the master artist. These seemingly isolated incidents all fit in to make up a beautifully crafted and brilliantly designed mosaic. In order to appreciate the total project, man must be able to stand back and…
Rashi explains that Bnei Yisrael should feel that Eretz Yisrael was being given to them anew on that very day, rather than as an inheritance bequeathed to them by their ancestors. This special appreciation of Eretz Yisrael is more than a reflection of our love towards the land. It is also an essential prerequisite for its procurement. As we study Torah daily, we are reaffirming our acceptance of it, and we are obligating ourselves to its mandate. We likewise view Eretz Yisrael as our land. Horav Yerucham Levovitz, z.l., remarks that although Eretz Yisrael was pledged to our ancestors, it…
We may wonder why, particularly in the chapter dealing with consecrating the first-born, the “children” would question our spiritual practice. Indeed, there were other mitzvos which they could have found enigmatic. Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., offers a homiletic appreciation of this pasuk. The “children” questioned the need for the first-born to be consecrated from birth, to be immediately inducted in Hashem’s service. Would it not have been more appropriate for them first to mature both emotionally and spiritually before choosing to serve Hashem? The response to this question is “It shall be for you a sign upon your hand.” As…
We may question the Torah‘s inclusion of the word vzv – “this day”. Why is it necessary to emphasize “this” day? There is obviously something unique about that day which must be especially remembered. We may suggest the following thought. The Torah seems to accentuate the time of year when the Exodus from Egypt took place. Hence, it is stated, “Today you go forth in the month of Aviv,” which refers to the month of Nissan or the beginning of spring. This is a time of renewal when the young seedlings are beginning to blossom. It is a time of…