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“And Moshe took half of the blood and placed it in basins and half of the blood he threw upon the Mizbayach. And he took the Book of the Covenant… and they said, ‘All that Hashem has spoken we will do and we will obey.’ And Moshe took the blood and threw it upon the people.” (24:6-8)

Horav Mordechai Rogov, z.l., derives a compelling lesson from the sprinkling of the blood of the korbanos, sacrifices, at the time of the receiving of the Torah. We are being taught to defend and uphold the Torah even at such times when doing so requires that we invest our own blood and our very lives for Torah’s sake. Every drop of Jewish blood that has been spilled l’shem Shomayim, for the sake of Heaven, to defend the Torah, does not go to waste. This blood has been preserved as the lives of the living are strengthened and inspired by the lives…

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“Distance yourself from a false word.” (23:7)

It is impossible for any human being to stand up to challenge the truth. Truth is an absolute which no one can circumvent. Ultimately, a person never suffers when he tells the truth. Indeed, one who lies only delays the inevitable. A person cannot elude the truth. His lies come back to haunt him. Regrettably, this is the way of the world – lie whenever it suits you;  bend the truth, if that is what it takes. Tanna D’bei Eliyahu cites the pasuk in Mishlei 19:3, “A man’s foolishness corrupts his way.” A person should be careful to act righteously and…

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“You shall not revile G-d.” (22:27)

Chazal derive that the word Elokim is a reference both to G-d and to judges. While it is, indeed, forbidden to curse anyone, judges are often the brunt of people’s curses, since they are compelled to render judgment which is not always popular – especially in the eyes of the individual who is on the losing end of a litigation. Horav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, z.l., served for a short time as Av Beis Din, head of the court, of Horav Yehoshua Leib Diskin, z.l. Once during his incumbency, he was confronted with a bitterly disputed divorce case. He eventually ruled in…

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