ויאמר לו אלקים שמך יעקב לא יקרא עוד שמך יעקב כי אם ישראל יהיה שמך - ויאמר שלחני כי עלה השחר. ויאמר לא אשלחך כי אם ברכתני... ויאמר לא יעקב יאמר עוד שמך כי אם ישראל
At first glance the above pesukim seem to convey the same message. After some perusal, however, we are confronted with a number of questions. First, Yaakov Avinu asked Eisav’s angel for a blessing. The blessing turned out to be a name change for the Patriarch; a name change which denoted his spiritual stamina in besting the angel. Yet, when the angel gave the blessing, he began, “No longer will it be said that your name is Yaakov.” Who cares about his original name? It is the new name that is important. Why does the angel introduce the new name with…