למען ירבו ימיכם וימי בניכם על האדמה אשר נשבע ד' לאבתיכם לתת להם
A fascinating dialogue in the Talmud (Berachos 8A) should inspire our attitude toward the Bais Haknesses, shul, that we frequent. Rabbi Yochanan lived to an unusually advanced age. Rabbi Yochanan heard that elderly Jews lived in Bavel. This caused him to wonder, “It is written, ‘In order to prolong your days and the days of your children upon the ground that Hashem has sworn to your ancestors to give to them.’ (This means Eretz Yisrael. In other words, the blessing of longevity is tied in with living in the Holy Land.)” Once they informed him, however, that the elders are…