ויצו משה את הלוים... לקח את ספר התורה הזה ושמתם אותו מצד ארון ברית ד' אלקיכם והיה שם בך לעד
Why were the Leviim the ones commanded to place the Sefer Torah next to/or inside the Aron? While it may be true that a Yisrael was not permitted entry into the Kodesh HaKodoshim, Holy of Holies, where the Aron was situated, neither were the Kohanim and Leviim permitted entry. Indeed, the only one who was allowed into the Kodesh HaKodoshim was the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. Otherwise, it was off-limits to everyone. As such, why were the Leviim singled out? Obviously, this was a one-time dispensation. If so, our question still stands. Why was Shevet Levi chosen above anyone…