וירא פנחס... ויקם מתוך העדה...פנחס בן אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן השיב את חמת
It appears that Pinchas’ rising up from among the people contributed to his ultimate success. Indeed, we recite in the Selichos, Mi she’anah l’Pinchas b’kumo mitoch ha’eidah; “May He – Who answered Pinchas when he rose up from the midst of the people.” Why should his rising up from the midst of the people carry such weight? Horav Tzvi Kushelevsky, Shlita, explains that “rising up from the midst of the people” is reference to Pinchas’ acting independently, with no support or assistance. No one rallied him on. He had only detractors. Indeed, if Zimri and Kosbi would have stopped their…