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“Eisav harbored hatred toward Yaakov because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him.” (27:41)

The Ozrover Rebbe, z.l., notes the deep-seated hatred that Eisav manifests for Yaakov. The Torah writes that Eisav hated Yaakov because of the blessing that his father had given him. It had nothing to do with Yaakov’s taking the blessing away from Eisav. The mere fact that Yaakov was blessed was enough to ignite this inexplicable hatred within Eisav. We now understand Chazal’s axiom, “Halachah, it is a halachic maxim that Eisav hates Yaakov.” This means that Eisav’s hatred has no rationale. A halachah is a rule or statement, which at times defies rationale. It is an absolute which transcends human…

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“And may G-d give you of the dew of the heavens and of the fatness of the earth.” (27:28)

Rashi notes that at the outset of the text of the blessings the pasuk begins with the conjunction vav, which means “and,” a word which is not consistent with the commencement of blessings. He cites the Midrash which states that this implies a continuous repetitive action, as if to say, “May G-d grant you the following blessing over and over again.” The question is obvious and well-known. When the Torah says, V’yiten lecha, “and may G-d give you,” it already implies constant giving. If so, why do we need Rashi’s comment of yachzor v’yiten, “He will then return and give again”?…

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“When Eisav was forty years old, he took a wife…and they were a source of spiritual rebellion to Yitzchak and Rivkah.” (26:34-35)

Eisav followed in his father’s ways by marrying at the age of forty. That is all that he did like his father. The women he married were from a nation whose evil nature and low moral standard equaled that of Eisav. Indeed, with these marriages, Eisav forever broke his ties with Avraham Avinu’s mission. The Torah states that these women were a source of spiritual rebellion to Yitzchak and Rivkah. “Why does Yitzchak’s name precede Rivkah’s?”, queries the Midrash. The response is that Yitzchak was much more affected by the spiritual filth of idol worship that Eisav’s wives brought into their…

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“The children agitated within her.” (25:22)

Rashi relates the source of Rivkah’s “agitation.” When she walked by a bais ha’medrash, Yaakov would push to come out; and when she walked by a house of idol worship, Eisav would fight to leave. She was concerned: What kind of a child am I bearing? If one moment he attempts to go to the bais ha’medrash and the next moment he is gravitating to the idols, he must be a confused child. When she was told that she was carrying twins, each with his own unique proclivities – one to Torah and the other to idol worship – she was…

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“Hashem before Whom I have walked, will send His angel with you.” (24:40)

Avraham Avinu’s expression characterizes his relationship with Hashem in terms of one “before Whom I have walked.” Rashi, in Parashas   Noach   (6:9),   distinguishes   between   Avraham  and Noach, about whom it is written, “Noach walked with G-d.” Noach walked with Hashem, he required Hashem’s support to uphold him in his righteousness, while Avraham drew strength from within himself and walked in his righteousness by himself. Horav Nosson Wachtfogel, z.l., explains the depth of Avraham’s “walking by himself” in the following manner. He cites the pasuk in Yeshayahu 51:1-2, where the Navi speaks to the righteous Jews, “Listen to me, O pursuers of…

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“Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, ‘Please tip your jug so I may drink,’ and who replies, ‘Drink, and I will even water your camels,’ her will You have designated for Your servant, for Yitzchak.” (24:14)

The Bais HaLevi submits that Eliezer tested Rivkah in two areas. First, he sought to ascertain if she was a gomeles chesed, one who performs kindness, by giving drink to someone whom she did not know. Of special interest to Eliezer was the fact that she did not have a cup for him. He would have to drink directly from the pitcher. She did not know  if he had germs that would contaminate her pitcher. Would she still offer him to drink, or not? Second, and of extreme significance, is what she would do after Eliezer drank from the pitcher. What…

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“Sarah’s lifetime was…” (23:1)

Sarah Imeinu is not the first person to have died. The Torah does, however, devote considerable “space” to her passing –  the  passing of  the  first  Matriarch,  the  first  Jewish  mother.  Thus,  I  feel  it appropriate to address the subjects of death, Olam Haba, and Techiyas HaMeisim, resurrection of the dead. Horav Shlomo Wolbe, Shlita, writes that one of the most difficult tasks facing people in contemporary times is developing a firm belief in the World to Come (Olam Haba). We talk about it, yearn for it, work for it, but do we really believe in it? Techiyas HaMeisim is a…

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“Sarah’s lifetime was…” (23:1)

Life is a gift, a precious gift from Hashem. In the Talmud Gittin 64a, Chazal teach us the signs for determining a young child’s maturity level. If one gives a child a stone and he proceeds to throw it away,but he keeps a nut which he has been given, it indicates that his mind is beginning to develop. If one gives him an object which he is prepared to return to its owner after a while, it is a clear sign that he is mature. In other words, the ability to distinguish between what is a gift and what is…

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“And they stood up and went together.” (22:19)

The Torah uses the phrase vayeilchu yachdav, they went together, three times in regard to the Akeidah. The first time, when Avraham left his home together with Yitzchak on the way to the Akeidah, the Torah writes that “they walked together” (22:6). Rashi explains that “together” means that Avraham, who was acutely aware of his mission to slaughter his only son, went with the same good will and joy as Yitzchak, who knew nothing of Hashem’s command. The second time the Torah writes this phrase it is after Avraham had hinted to Yitzchak that he would be the sacrifice. Yet, Yitzchak…

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“Avraham prayed to G-d, and G-d healed Avimelech, and his wife, and his maids and they were relieved (literally, gave birth).” (20:17)

Hashem punished Avimelech and his families for taking Sarah from Avraham. It is interesting to note Avraham’s reaction when Avimelech  realized  that  he  had  erred.  Avraham  prayed  that Avimelech be cured from his punishment. Avraham Avinu, the amud ha’chesed, pillar of kindness, conveys to us the appropriate response to hearing   about  someone   else’s   misfortune   –   pray   for  him! Avraham’s sympathy set the standard for his descendants. How often do we hear about another Jew who has fallen ill or succumbed to another misfortune. While it  is true that we feel for him, how many of us feel the pain as if…

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