ואת בנימין אחי יוסף לא שלח... כי אמר פן יקראנו אסון
The words yikranu, spelled with an aleph, is related to kara, to call, to designate. When Yehudah repeats (to Yosef) his father’s fear concerning Binyamin’s safety, he says, Ulekachtem gam es zeh me’im panai v’karahu ason, “So you should take this one, too, from my presence, and disaster will befall him” (44:29). In this instance v’karahu is spelled with a hay, related to karah, denotes an unrelated occurrence by chance. Thus, we have two words which sound the same: with an aleph, it implies deliberation, designation, calling with a purpose; with a hay, it denotes a chance meeting, an unrelated…