וידבר משה... זה הדבר אשר צוה ד'
Rashi distinguishes between the level of nevuah, prophesy, which Moshe Rabbeinu achieved and the level of the other Neviim. Moshe prophesized with the wording, Zeh ha’davar, “This is the matter,” while the other Neviiam prophesized with the words, Koh amar Hashem, “So said Hashem.” The Malbim explains that “so said Hashem” implies that the Navi is relating what Hashem had earlier communicated to him. Zeh ha’davar implies that Hashem is presently in the process of communicating with those addressed by speaking, as it were, through the medium of the prophet. If so, why when addressing the roshei ha’matos, heads of…