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ויאמר בלעם אל בלק בנה לי בזה שבעה מזבחות

Bilaam said to Balak, “Build seven altars for me.” (23:1)

Balak complied to Bilaam’s request and erected seven Altars upon which he offered seven cows and seven rams. He did this three times for a total of forty-two sacrifices. While Balak’s attempt to curse the Jewish people yielded no immediate effect, it did play itself out negatively generations later in the time of Elisha HaNavi. Chazal (Sotah 47a) teach that forty-two children who cursed Elisha died as a result of the Navi’s response to them. [The commentators explain that these children were products of a prohibited union which was consummated on Yom Kippur. Additionally, Elisha saw through Divine Inspiration that…

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לא הביט און ביעקב

He perceived no iniquity in Yaakov. (23:21)

Rashi explains (based upon a Midrash) that, even when Klal Yisrael sins, Hashem chooses not to scrutinize their sin to the full extent of their shortcomings. This does not mean that we are perfect. People sin — and some sin egregiously — but Hashem knows that, despite their nefarious behavior, their neshamah, soul, which is a part of the Divine, remains untarnished, and, as such, it can/will return. While the soul will remain pure, we are still accountable for our actions, and we must strive to live an ethical and moral life. The belief in the intrinsic purity of the…

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מה טובו אהליך יעקב משכנתיך ישראל

How goodly are your tents O’ Yaakov, your dwelling places O’ Yisrael. (24:5)

Rashi explains that Bilaam was impressed by the modesty and sensitivity which the arrangement of the tents demonstrated. It indicated the importance of the family unit. Bilaam ha’rasha posits that the perpetuation of Klal Yisrael is contingent upon the preservation of the family unit, which is central to Jewish life and identity on several levels. Within Jewish families (that bond together) we transmit traditions, customs and rituals from generation to generation. The family serves as the primary setting for learning about the history – both religious and cultural – of our people. Parents, as well as grandparents, play a significant…

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זאת חקת התורה

This is the decree of the Torah. (19:2)

Being that the Torah, which is our blueprint for life, is Divinely-Authored, it is understandable that it is intrinsically “beyond human cognition.” Whatever we think we understand of it is the result of interpretation by mentors throughout the generations. They have plumbed its depths and transmitted their knowledge to future generations. Nonetheless, one does not know the actual, reason that Hashem chose a specific mitzvah for us to perform, or not to transgress. The reasoning that our gedolim have transmitted to us throughout the generations is only to make it easier for the human mind to accept. While some mitzvos…

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ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה תמימה

And they shall take a completely red cow which is without blemish. (19:2)

The Aderes Elyahu cites a yalkut that posits, Parah zu Yisrael; “Parah (Adumah), this is Yisrael.” Apparently, Chazal identify a metaphysical connection between the Parah Adumah and the Jewish People. Horav Mordechai Ilan, zl (Mikdash Mordechai), observes that Klal Yisrael demonstrated their spiritual mettle when they stood by Har Sinai and proclaimed, Naaseh v’nishma; “We will do and we will listen.” Hashem offered the Torah, with all of its qualities and demands, to which we committed ourselves without question. Hashem had previously offered this gift to the other nations, who had rejected it. They felt that the Torah’s demands did…

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זאת התורה אדם כי ימות באהל

This is the teaching regarding a man who would die in a tent. (19:14)

Chazal (Shabbos 83b) teach, “A person should never be absent from the bais hamedrash, nor ever refrain from studying Torah – even at the moment of death. For it is stated, Zos haTorah adam ki yamus b’ohel, ‘This is the Torah – a man who dies in a tent.’ This pasuk teaches us that, even at the moment of death, one should be involved in the study of Torah.” Reish Lakish adds, “The words of Torah are not retained, except by one who kills himself (by refraining from unessential physical indulgences). As it is stated, ‘This is the Torah of…

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ויקח קרח

Korach separated himself. (15:1)

Parashas Korach stands alone as the parsha which is yafeh nidreshes, expounded well, presenting many details. In his Teivas Gome, the author of the Pri MeGadim explains Rashi’s statement rationally. Most halachos of the Torah are time-sensitive, applicable during specific times. For instance, one does not lecture about Pesach during the Three Weeks, or about Chanukah during the month of Shevat. Parashas Korach, in which much of its theme touches on the deleterious effects of machlokes, controversy, sadly applies constantly. We are aware of no geographic or chronologic limitations to machlokes. It happens more often than we care to acknowledge,…

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העיני האנשים ההם תנקר לא נעלה

Even if you gouge out the eyes of those men, we shall not go up. (15:14)

Rashi explains that Dasan and Aviram replied to Moshe Rabbeinu’s request for a meeting, “Nothing you do – even if you blind us – will make us come.” Sforno explains their chutzpah as implying: “Do you think you can blind us to your failures?” We suggest an alternative explanation. Apparently, they specified eyes and blindness for a reason. They could have simply said, “There is nothing you can do; no punishment will convince us to listen to you.” I think it all boils down to how one views a person or a situation. If one’s vision is superficial, cursory, he…

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אם כמות כל האדם ימותון אלה ופקודת כל האדם יפקד עליהם לא ד' שלחני

If these die like the death of all men and the destiny of all men is visited upon them, then it is not Hashem Who has sent me. (16:29)

Korach and his henchmen impugned the integrity of Moshe Rabbeinu’s leadership. This was a mutiny against our quintessential leader and what he represented – Hashem and His Torah. This was unmitigated chutzpah at its nadir. We have unfortunately had despots throughout our nation’s history who have raised their fists against Torah leadership and have denounced our nation’s bond with the Torah. Korach, however, was the first to breach the peaceful coexistence of our people and disparage its leadership. His punishment was equally unparalleled: He went to his grave – alive. The entire Korach debacle begs elucidation. First, the Torah has…

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השב את מטה אהרן לפני העדות למשמרת

Put Aharon’s staff before the Testimony as a safe-keeping. (17:25)

Leadership is commonly understood to be the result of an interplay among various leadership qualities and positive innate character traits, skills and the external circumstances which serve as the backdrop for the leader to perform his role. Obviously, the characteristics of the community which he must shepherd is a major component. Ultimately, who is to become Klal Yisrael’s manhig, leader, is Divinely-mandated. Hashem confers leadership on whom He deems deserving of the position and who would best lead the nation during its present circumstances. Over time, the chosen leader will cultivate the qualities of communication, empathy, decision-making and vision which…

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