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“Into their conspiracy, may my soul not enter! With their congregation do not unite, O’ my honor! For in their rage they killed a man and in their wish they hamstrung an ox.” (49:6)

Rashi cites Chazal, who explain that “b’sodam”, into their conspiracy, is a reference to the incident of Zimri. The tribe of Shimon, following their leader, Zimri, gathered together conspiratorially to Cosbi, the Midyanite princess, before Moshe. Zimri asked, “Is it forbidden to take a non-Jewess as a wife or not? If it is forbidden, who permitted Yisro’s daughter to you?” Yaakov did not want his name involved in this matter. Consequently, when the Torah records Zimri’s lineage, Yaakov’s name is not mentioned, nor regarding Korach. The word “b’kehalam,” with their congregation, is a reference to Korach, a member of the…

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“Although you intended me harm, G-d intended it for good: in order to accomplish–it is as clear as this day – that a vast people be kept alive.” (50:20)

Yosef was assuaging his brothers’ guilt, saying that Hashem “caused” him to be brought to Egypt in order to set in motion the vehicle for ultimately saving them. They were   simply pawns in Hashem’s Divine plan. The commentators question the meaning and purpose of the words, “It is clear as this day.” What is the reference to “this day”? The Ozrover Rebbe, z.l., in his sefer Be’er Moshe, posits that the “kayom ha’zeh,” “this day,” is a reference to another instance in which the phrase “this day” is used: In Parashas Vayeishev, when recalling the incident of Yosef Ha’tzaddik and…

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“He (Yosef) comforted them and spoke to their heart.” (50:21)

Yosef comforted his brothers. It seems that he had forgiven them for selling him as a slave. In a similar statement, Yosef said to his brothers, “Do not be distressed and do not reproach yourselves for having sold me here, for it was as a provider that G-d sent me ahead of you” (Bereishis 45:5). Once again, it seems apparent that Yosef was not angry with his brothers. Indeed, he asserted that the sale was a G-d-send. Hashem placed him in Egypt, so that he would be in a position to help his family. Both of these pesukim apparently imply…

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But as for me, when I came from Paddan, Rachel died on me on the road…and I buried her there on the road to Efras, which is Bais Lechem. (48:7)

On what basis did Yaakov expect Yosef to bury him in the Meoras Ha’Machpeilah,  when Yaakov did not do so for Yosef’s mother, Rachel? Sensing Yosef’s possible quandary, Yaakov Avinu responded with the reason that he purposely buried Rachel by the roadside.  When the Jewish people were to be  led to captivity after the destruction of the first Bais Hamikdash,  they would receive solace from Rachel’s grave.  When they passed along the road to Bais Lechem, anguished, persecuted, depressed and exhausted, Rachel’s soul would come to her grave to supplicate the Almighty on their behalf.  Rachel’s cries for her children…

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He blessed Yosef and he said,…”O G-d who shepherds me from my inception until this day.” (48:15)

Targum Unkeles understands  “ha’roeh osi,” “Who shepherds me”,  as “Who sustains me.”  Interestingly, Yaakov Avinu finds no other time suitable to offer his gratitude to the Almighty for sustaining him and providing for his basic material needs.  He refers to the G-d  before whom his ancestors walked, whose angel redeemed him from all evil, and adds – “Who has sustained me.”  Why did Yaakov find it necessary to supplement his praise of Hashem with the more “basic and simple” praise of sustenance? Horav Gershon Leibman, Shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of Bais Yosef in France, extends this question.  We thank Hashem for…

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May the angel who redeems me from all evil bless the lads, and may my name be declared upon them, and the names of my forefathers, Avraham and Yitzchak. (48:16)

Why does Yaakov mention his own name before he mentions  his father and grandfather?  Why does he not demonstrate  the mitzvah of Kibud Av, honoring one’s father?  Horav Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, suggests a practical reason for this omission:  Yaakov was saying that his grandsons  should be  a source of such nachas that not only should I be pleased,  but even my forefathers will be filled with nachas.  Kol Yehudah suggests that Yaakov was referring to the attributes represented by each of the Patriarchs.  Avraham Avinu devoted himself to the middah of chesed.  He reached out with kindness to an entire…

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All these are the twelve tribes of Yisrael…He blessed them each according to his special blessing. (49:28)

Rashi explains that Yaakov Avinu gave each of his sons his individual blessing, uniquely cogruous with his individual nature and personality.  He then gave a collective blessing to all of them together.  Horav Eli Munk, zl, explains that the Jewish nation is founded on the principle of unity in plurality.  Each tribe is called upon to perform its particular function, based upon its specific character trait.  Hence, each tribe  constitutes a unit by itself.  Why, then, did Yaakov bless them collectively afterwards? Horav Eliyahu Meir Bloch, zl, derives a significant lesson  from this pasuk.  It is important for everyone to…

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And Yosef went up to bury his father. (50:7)

Yaakov suffered during the majority of his life from various afflictions: Eisav; Lavan; problems with his children; the premature death of Rachel. One would think that  in death he would finally be able to repose in peace.  In the Talmud Sotah 13a,  Chazal tell us  otherwise.  When the funeral procession accompanying Yaakov’s coffin arrived at his final resting place at  Meoras Ha’Machpelah, Eisav confronted the mourners, contesting  the title to Yaakov’s plot.  The tribes argued that Eisav had sold it to Yaakov.  A debate ensued in which each side claimed right to this holy site.  When Eisav asked for Yaakov’s…

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And I, when I came from Paddan, Rachel died unto me in the land of Canaan on the road when there was still a stretch of land to come to Efras, and I buried her there on the road. (48:7)

Yaakov seems to be justifying  himself for not burying Rachel in the Me’oras Ha’machpeilah.  After all,  Yaakov is imploring Yosef to make sure that  he is interred in the burial place of the Patriarchs, even though his beloved wife, Rachel, Yosef’s mother, was not buried there!  If that was the intended meaning, however, then Yaakov’s “speech” would have been placed earlier in the parsha, where Yaakov asks Yosef to bury him in the Me’oras Ha’machpeilah.  In this context his statement is apparently connected to the decision to grant each of Yosef’s sons a special position as an individual tribe among…

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And Yisrael saw Yosef’s sons and he said, “Who are these?” And Yosef said to his father, “They are my sons whom Hashem has given me here.” He said, “Bring them to me if you please, and I will bless them.” (48:8,9)

The Midrash explains that Yaakov obviously knew the identity of Yosef’s sons.  He was in Egypt for seventeen years.  He certainly had the opportunity to interact with them during this time.  Also, Yaakov studied Torah with Efraim.  Chazal explain that when Yaakov was about to bless Yosef’s children, the Shechinah departed from him.  He foresaw that evil kings would descend from them: Yaravam and Achav from Efraim; Yehu and his sons from Menashe.  This vision shocked Yaakov so that he asked Yosef, “Who are these?” meaning, from where did these sons, who are apparently unworthy of blessing, come?  Yosef assured…

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