ויעתר יצחק לד' לנכח אשתו כי עקרה היא ויעתר לו ד'
What is the significance of the fact that the Torah describes Hashem’s response to Yitzchak Avinu using the same word which it attributes to the Patriarch’s prayer? Atirah means to entreat. Yitzchak entreated Hashem. The Almighty did not entreat Yitzchak. Therefore, we translate the pasuk, “Hashem allowed Himself to be entreated by him.” Could it not have used another word for “answered” or “listened”? It is almost as if Hashem responded to Yitzchak in the same manner in which Yitzchak prayed to Him. The Nesivos Shalom presents the scenario of Yitzchak and Rivkah Imeinu praying side by side, putting it…