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“You shall love your fellow as yourself.” (19:18)

Toras Kohanim cites Rabbi Akiva who says that this is the fundamental rule of the Torah. The Mizrachi cites the Talmud in Shabbos 31a in which Hillel says, “What is hateful to you, do not do unto others.” This is what Hillel told the gentile who wanted to convert to Judaism. If the Torah conveys this mitzvah in a positive light, encouraging us to love our fellow, why do Chazal seek an interpretation that emphasizes and focuses on the negative? Horav Simchah Scheps, z.l., cites Horav Yerucham Levovitz, z.l., who explains the Mishnah in Pirkei Avos 3:2 in the following manner:…

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“You shall love your fellow as yourself.” (19:18)

In his Nusach HaAri Siddur, the Baal HaTanya writes that it is proper and correct that one say before davening, “I accept upon myself the positive commandment, ‘You shall love your fellow as yourself.’” The mitzvah of ahavas Yisrael is the entranceway to be able to stand before Hashem in prayer. Pardes Yosef interprets this idea into the pasuk in Bereishis 37:26, Mah betza ki naharog es achinu, “What gain will there be if we kill our brother?” The letters of the word betza – bais, tzaddik, ayin, form an acronym for: boker, morning; tzaharaim, afternoon; erev, evening, the three Tefillos,…

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“With righteousness shall you judge your fellow.” (19:15)

We judge people all of the time. Interestingly, to become a judge, one must have training. He must have profound knowledge of the law coupled with an acute understanding of people. Yet, we sit in judgment of people – all of the time. We certainly are not qualified for this position. Chazal teach us that in addition to its simple meaning,  our pasuk is teaching us to be dan l’kaf zchus, give everyone the benefit of doubt. Regrettably, this does not coincide with human nature. The average person judges people according to his proclivity towards them. Horav Yaakov  Beifus, Shlita, cites…

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“You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem, your G-d.” (19:2)

The Sifri makes what seems to be an ambiguous statement in interpreting this pasuk. Hashem says Yachol kamoni, “Perhaps, you think that you can be holy like Me.” Therefore, the Torah adds, Ani Hashem, “I am Hashem; My kedushah, holiness, is greater than yours.” This statement begs elucidation. Can one conceive that man could even remotely aspire to a kedushah equivalent to that of Hashem? What, then, is the meaning of Yachol kamoni? Horav Yosef Cohen, z.l., cites his father-in-law, Horav Tzvi Pesach Frank, z.l., who explains that this pasuk refers to a pasuk in the previous parsha, 16:16, where the…

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