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“Then you shall remember Hashem, your G-d; that it was He Who gave you strength to make wealth.” (8:18)

How easily we forget what Hashem does for us. When we are in need, we know to Whom to turn in prayer and supplication. When we are answered, however, our  attitude takes a sudden change of course. We no longer attribute our success to the Source of all success. We quickly say that it was our endeavor, our strength, our ability that catalyzed the success that we enjoy. What happened? How did we suddenly become myopic, failing to recognize that it was Hashem Who was clearly the one Who brought about every achievement that we attribute to our own prowess?…

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“And Hashem gave me the two tablets of stone.” (9:10)

The word “luchos,” tablets, is usually written with a “vav” to designate the plural. Rashi explains that the word luchos is written here without a “vav,” in the singular. Yet, it is vocalized in the plural, by design. This indicates that while there were two luchos, they had equal significance as if they had been one. Horav David Feinstein, Shlita, adds that the word “shnei,” two, also indicates that the two luchos were really one, reflected by the apparent redundancy of the word. Obviously, the word luchos, which is the plural form, implies two luchos, since, as Chazal teach us,…

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“That as a man will chasten his son, so does Hashem, your G-d, chasten you.” (8:5)

  Some people experience yisurim, suffering, in greater measure than others. The Torah is defining for us the essence of suffering: It is a loving Father’s necessary and beneficial act toward His child. Although many of us acknowledge this notion from an intellectual perspective, when it hurts, it truly hurts. When we experience pain and suffering, our intellect does not necessarily influence our emotions. Great and righteous people throughout history have accepted Hashem’s decree with great faith and love. Indeed, countless stories detail the devotion of the great, as well as the simple, believing Jew. We have selected two narratives…

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“You will eat and you will be satisfied, and bless Hashem, your G-d.” (8:10)

The following story, related by Horav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Shlita, does not actually address the parsha. Its lesson and message, however, is compelling. It is especially significant in that it conveys to us the far-reaching effect of our behavior. We hope that our actions will all have similar positive consequences as evidenced in this episode. A young kollel fellow in Yerushalayim went to a Judaica library in search of a certain volume not accessible in the local shuls. Knowing that the library was not located in an area that had a kosher restaurant, he brought along a sandwich for lunch. After…

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“Lest you eat and be satisfied, and you build good houses and settle… and your heart will become haughty and you will forget Hashem, your G-d.” (8:12,14)

The text of these pesukim is ambiguous. The Torah seems to imply that satisfaction and success in Eretz Yisrael are doubtful, while haughtiness and forgetting Hashem, the Source of success, seems to be a certainty. Horav Yosef Konvitz, z.l., explains that if we scan Jewish history, we will note that during those times when we were blessed with material success, we were, regrettably, not able to withstand the allure of sin that inevitably accompanies it. The yetzer hara, evil inclination, works very hard to ensnare his prey. When he utilizes material benefits and comforts, he has added ammunition for success….

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“Then you shall remember Hashem, your G-d; that it was He Who gave you strength to make wealth.” (8:18)

How easily we forget what Hashem does for us. When we are in need, we know to Whom to turn in prayer and supplication. When we are answered, however, our  attitude takes a sudden change of course. We no longer attribute our success to the Source of all success. We quickly say that it was our endeavor, our strength, our ability that catalyzed the success that we enjoy. What happened? How did we suddenly become myopic, failing to recognize that it was Hashem Who was clearly the one Who brought about every achievement that we attribute to our own prowess?…

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“And Hashem gave me the two tablets of stone.” (9:10)

The word “luchos,” tablets, is usually written with a “vav” to designate the plural. Rashi explains that the word luchos is written here without a “vav,” in the singular. Yet, it is vocalized in the plural, by design. This indicates that while there were two luchos, they had equal significance as if they had been one. Horav David Feinstein, Shlita, adds that the word “shnei,” two, also indicates that the two luchos were really one, reflected by the apparent redundancy of the word. Obviously, the word luchos, which is the plural form, implies two luchos, since, as Chazal teach us,…

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This shall be the reward when you listen to these ordinances. (7:12)

The word “eikav,” when or because, also means heel.  Thus, Rashi interprets the phrase to mean: when you listen to those mitzvos that appear to be of lesser significance, commandments which a person might tread upon with his heel.  In Pirkei Avos, 2:1, Rebbi says, “Be as scrupulous in performing a minor mitzvah as a major one, for you do not know the rewards given for mitzvos.” Can we view any mitzvah to be minor?  Yes, if we view mitzvos to be a confirmation of ceremonies and rituals.  When we realize that each mitzvah is one component in a vast…

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He afflicted you and let you hunger, then he fed you the manna that you did not know, nor did your forefathers know. (8:3)

Moshe recounts the trials and tribulations of Klal Yisrael’s sojourn in the desert, as well as the effects it produced.  Hashem had tested them, but it was for a specific purpose.  As the Ramban explains, at times a father must chastize his son in order to prepare him for the future.  It was better to endure the hardships of the wilderness, so that they would more freely appreciate the riches and the beauty of Eretz Yisrael.  The commentators address the “affliction” and “hunger” which Moshe mentions.   Moshe is referring to the Heavenly food, the manna, which Chazal in the…

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At that time Hashem said to me: Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first…and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets…and I placed the tablets in the Aron which I had made. (10:1,2,5)

Horav S.R. Hirsch, zl., makes note of the fact that when the Torah discusses the Luchos, tablets, it mentions the material, avanim, stone, of which they were composed.  This teaches us that the words of the law are engraved in stone.  They are unalterable and absolute as stone.  This lesson is especially significant in contemporary times when there are those who would raise their quill against the Torah, attempting to “modify” its laws to suit their own purposes.  In the past, this practice has been the exclusive domain of the non-practicing Jew.  Today, however, this malady has spread even to…

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