ותמת שם מרים ותקבר שם ולא היה מים לעדה
Chazal (Taanis 9a) explain the juxtaposition of Klal Yisrael’s lack of water upon Miriam’s death with the miraculous well that accompanied them throughout their forty-year journey. This well, duly dubbed be’eirah shel Miriam, Miriam’s well, gave water in the zechus, merit, of Miriam HaNeviah. Thus, when she died, the well dried up. The Zohar HaKadosh (Emor 103B) attributes the miracle of Miriam’s well to her standing at the banks of the Nile River to ensure the safety of her infant brother, Moshe (Rabbeinu), who had been placed in a reed basket, hidden from the Egyptian soldiers who were bent on…