אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן
The word korban is derived from karov, close/near. A korban brings us closer to Hashem. The Navi Hoshea (6:6) states, “For I (Hashem) wanted chesed, acts of lovingkindness, and not a korban.” Chesed is being presented as being on par with korbanos, but also as being better than korbanos. Chesed brings about atonement, but chesed has an advantage that exceeds the korban effect. Maharal (Nesivos Olam/Nesiv Gemilus Chassadim) explains that chesed elevates a person, granting him a higher level of spirituality, while a korban does not. As Horav Tzvi Kushelevsky, Shlita, puts it: “Chesed elevates a person above his natural…